Start from the beginning

"Not so easy, Zoya."

He shifted himself and looked at her. Mr Fernando had a funny look when he was too focused on something before he spoke. He looked like a helpless puppy wondering what to say, and yet determined to figure out whatever speech he may convey.

"What is it, Papa?" she wondered curiously as she admired his stare. It was almost as if an emotion was trying to resurface from his cold, grim expression.

"I thought deeply about it, and I decided since I'm still your legal guardian, you have no right to acquire Grandpa's journal yet. Which also means, that I can deny you the privilege of continuing this nonsense and become the 'Leader of the Hunters' Organization'."

It took time to decode the complex wordings, but once Zoya caught the words "Grandpa's journal", "deny", and "Leader of Hunters' Organization" something clicked.

"That's not fair! You can't take my dream away from me!" she stood up hurriedly and marched towards her father.

"I can, and I will," he smirked.

"It doesn't mean you never got your hunter's mark, then you should deny me the opportunity of being one!" she yelled so loud, the floor shook beneath them.

"Well, there is a proposal. You know I'm a good businessman, and it's just business. I will give you this nonsensical opportunity you wish for, on one condition, should you accept of course," Mr Fernando took another puff, knowingly full-well he won his battle.

Zoya hated him, she hated the man he has become. She no longer wished him to be her parent, and anger fueled her body. He wasn't going to take away the one thing she has been trained for all her life. She worked hard, and broke world-records of capturing werewolves in the past year alone! This conversation has become too nonsensical to Zoya. She refused to have her ticket of freedom taken away from her, so she didn't need to think twice.

"What is your condition?"

He smiled, and pushed a closed folder towards her. Zoya must've been to angry to have noticed the odd-looking folder that was neatly placed on the desk. However she recognized the symbol above, which led her to quickly locate the name on the folder to ensure her speculations.

"You are to exceed in this boarding school. You are to be one of the top three students. Give me that, this year alone, and I will let you become the Huntress you wish to be. No scolding, no limitations, and you will have access to all the resources needed from me."

He looked at his daughter and embracing the success of his strategy.

"Think it over. But not too much, I will need an answer by tomorrow evening as the Headmistress awaits an answer to the proposition," Mr Fernando concluded.

If Mr Fernando couldn't break his highly tempered daughter's terrible habits, then this boarding-school would surely teach Zoya some manners. He left the room, without a kiss goodnight, leaving Zoya speechless to be consumed by the darkness of the night. She wandered back to her room, unable to think thoroughly what to do, or how her failure to capture werewolves in that village led her to this cruel proposition. Something she surely would have refused by now, knowing it was impossible to survive, yet she knew what's at stake and that's what left her distracted.

Zoya's eyes didn't remove themselves from the book at hand. Little did she realize it was time for Mira's lesson, who's been waiting eagerly in front of her door.

"Ow," Zoya bumped into her.

"Oh, I'm sorry Miss. I don't realize you haven't c'om back since dinner," Mira bowed her head apologetically.

"Ah yes," was all Zoya could master as an answer.

"I'm sorry, Mira," she continued, "I don't believe I can give you lessons anymore."

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