37 - The Dinner From Hell

Start from the beginning

"You wouldn't understand." Cass shook her head, fighting her desire to slap him. Percy seemed to make her especially violent. Who did he think he was, speaking to her like that?! Acting as though he understood her situation. The audacity! No, no one understood what she was going through, and perhaps that was for the best. She wouldn't wish the Barty and Connor situations on her worst enemy, not even Malfoy or Percy. "And I'm not...I'm not just angry. I'm worried, as well. I'm warning you." She lowered her voice, leaning in. "My father...he's not what he seems. Just...be careful."

"What are you on about?"

Cass opened her mouth to respond, but was interrupted.

"Cassiopeia." Bartemius called out for her from inside the dining room. Most of the Weasley clan had already appeared in their seats. "Are you coming?"

"Of course." She forced a smile, walking into the dining room. There was an empty chair in between her father and Ginny, and one between George and Ron. Bartemius stared at her expectantly, as though he was hoping she'd sit next to him, for Merlin knows what reason.

She sat down next to George.

Chatter began, mostly Ministry talk between Arthur, Percy and Bartemius, so nothing of any interest to Cass. Molly brought out the food, some sort of meat Cass didn't care enough to recognise. She wasn't hungry, and didn't care much about being rude in the moment.

"So, Cassiopeia, how has your summer been?" Bartemius eventually asked.

"Brilliant. I've never been happier in my life." She lied through her teeth. Sure, the Burrow was better than Stromness, but without Connor...there wasn't much of a purpose. But if Bartemius thought she liked it better here, that she was happier here, maybe he'd care. Maybe he'd feel inadequate. Jealous. Guilty.

"That's great to hear." If Bartemius felt anything, he didn't show it.

Cass bit down on her lip. That didn't go to plan.

"And how was your summer, father? Anything...interesting happen?" She cocked her head to the side.

"Just work." His eyes met hers for a brief moment, before he glanced back down at his plate. "Winky misses you."

"Winky can cope."

"Who the fuck is Winky?" Fred frowned.

"Language, Fred!" Molly scolded.

"Winky is our house elf." Bartemius explained.

"Your house elf." Cass corrected with a smile, eyes searching his for any sort of reaction.

He gave none.

"Yes, my mistake. And will you all be attending the Quidditch World Cup?"

"We are!" Arthur interjected with a bright grin, clearly eager to change the topic. "All of us, plus Cassie, and Ron's friends Harry and Hermione."

"Harry as in...Harry Potter?"

"The very same."

"Cassiopeia, you never told me you were friends with Harry Potter."

She nearly laughed. Her and Potter friends? That was just as likely as her being friends with Neville Longbottom. "I'm not. Ron is. I've hardly spoken to him."

"I thought you were friends with Ron."

Ron looked up at this, still chewing a mouthful of food. "No, Cass is friends with Fred and George."

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