CHAPTER 4: Pool party

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Two hours. It had been two hours since I'd woken up to such a pleasing sight for my sore morning eyes. After going about my daily morning routine, I now held a cup of warm coffee in my hand. I sipped on the bitter beverage with my eyes still glued to the contraption in my bed.

Crew had been unsuccessfully trying to get it out my bed for the past hour, though it refused to budge at all. It was apparently really heavy and he wondered how my bed hadn't fallen apart yet.

The situation did not elevate further when I offhandedly commented 'Maybe you should hit the gym' after watching him struggle to lift the statue's arm. I ignored the nasty glare he sent in my direction. 

We refused to give up so easily. I also tried looking for any indication of a switch, or a way to turn this human robot-looking thing on. It certainly wouldn't have materialized onto my bed out of nowhere.....Right?

We had now officially given up.

"So like... Are we just gonna let it chill in my bed or.....?" My snarky words trailed off as I eyed Crew's 'careful' and 'calculated' movements. He pushed himself off the floor and headed out the door with newfound determination I had never seen before.

I, on the other hand, decided to simply lean back against the wall opposite to my bed, with 'What-is-this-idiot-doing-now' practically written across my furrowed eyebrows. Not a moment later, Crew returned, looking like a heavy equipment mechanic.

My posture straightened after realizing what he was upto. I pushed myself off the floor as well, and stood beside Crew, holding a random wrench to deem myself useful. I couldn't exactly locate any nuts and bolts on the statue. Who the hell even designed this thing? The wrench was growing uncomfortably slippery in my sweaty palms. So I did what I did best, starting off strong by pounding onto the statue's ankles with the tool in my hand.

Crew side-eyed me with an amused smile. "I was about to dismantle it piece by piece, but i guess that works just fine."

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A/N: slight gore

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO??!!?!" I screamed.

"I DIDNT DO ANYTHING IT JUST ALIVED ITSELF RANDOMLY!!!" He screamed back, although I almost didn't hear him under the echo of my own screams.



The metal contraption that had magically sprung to life was now chasing us around my house with a disjointed ankle and a screwdriver jabbed into its eye. The only arm that it possessed was torn in half, a wrench pierced in place where the forearm normally is; and the said forearm sticking out its left armpit as if someone had shoved it in there in a hurry. ('someone' being Crew)

It looked worse than my worst nightmare. Even FNaF's animatronics fell extremely dull in comparison to this abomination. One look was all it took to know that this thing was upto no good.

You might be wondering what even happened to trigger these chain of events. Well, Crew would rightfully need a standing ovation for this one. 

Imagine my surprise when I walked into my room after taking a shower, only to be met with blood-red eyes glowering at me. Worst part, they weren't even eyes. They were just empty pits of despair with an alarmingly red light spilling out of the jagged edges of where an eye should normally be. It did nothing but glare in my direction, not moving an inch. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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