CHAPTER 3: Metal Crew

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A/N: vague descriptions of blood

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"It tastes like blood."
"Blood? You think this slimy, scarlet-colored liquid is blood? Hmmm interesting." I did not question how he knew what blood tasted like since he probably tasted his own whenever I beat him up for the stupid shit he did.

Why would there be blood on statues though? Was it the blood of the sculptor perhaps? Like if he accidently cut his finger off in the process-
Okay, I'll stop. My theories never make sense. But it looked so fresh, as if the statue was crying tears of haemoglobin. I stared intently at the metal girl's horrified face as she stared back at me with the same intensity except her expression screamed panic and terror. 

I changed my position to take a good look at the other statues, only to find the same reddish-brown substance dried on their faces and cut off limbs. I held the half intact arm of a what looked like a bald, middle aged man; the other arm flung over someone's head in the pile of statues. The "blood" was not as fresh, rather looked like a rusted piece of metal giving off a disgusting odour. The dangling arm I was holding was barely hanging on to its arm socket connected by a piece of thread. Looked like a nerve to me. 

"Oh well, it looks like its about to fall off anyways" I simply shrugged while ripping the arm out with little force and tossed it into the pile, gracefully landing on someone's ass. I swore I saw the features on the metal baldie's face change into a slightly more gruesome expression. Did I hit a nerve?  

"Hey did you see that? Tell me you saw that!" I asked the living baldie beside me, with a little too much enthusiasm. 

"Huh? Saw what?" He was still too busy taking selfies, too unbothered to even look my way. 

My face immediately fell into deadpan before I shoved the statue of the bald man to his face. "Look! Your doppelganger! The sculptor must have made this inspired off you... Woah, the resemblance is uncanny. " It was his turn to deadpan now, looking extra offended. "Ew- Excuse me?! What did you just say?? I am literally the modelest model to ever bless the earth and you're comparing me to this piece of sh-" 

I tuned his rambling out and got up to leave as it was getting crowded by each passing second. It was probably another one of my hallucinations, I thought.  

Wait.....Am I perhaps schizophrenic? Nah can't be. If I am, then I shouldn't be aware that I might be schizophrenic... Or is this the symptom of having schizophrenia? Thinking that you're not schizophrenic when you actually are, because you are aware of not being schizophrenic but then that awareness is an illusion to hide the fact that you actually are schizophr-

 This is kinda confusing, maybe I should stop. 

I sighed inwardly at my randomly weird nonsensical thoughts and made my way towards my terrestrial habitat. 

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"Ok, what the actual fuck?"

I gaped at the entity peeking out beneath my covers, comfortably resting its nasty, living corpse on my pillow fort that took several hours to make. How did it even get in.... is infact not a mystery, since it has access to my house keys for purposes such as delivering food and stealing my cat. 

"Who asked you to invite yourself over to my place, my good sir?" I ask his half dead body which was now looking at me with drowsy eyes and a lopsided goofy smile. 

"I kinda missed yo-" 
"Well, I didn't"
"-ur very luxurious bed so... I will be sleeping here tonight, bye" He said as he shut down right before my eyes. Wasn't this man talking a second ago? 

"Nope. You mister, will be slumbering on the floor." I wasted no time dragging him off the bed and dumped his 5'9 physique on the carpeted floor. After making sure my bed was rid off all his dead cells and body odour, I slipped under the sheets with mello keeping me company. I was zoning out looking at the glowing star stickers when I heard Crew groan and shift on the floor. 

I spared him a glance and decided to be an empathetic human, tossing a blanket aggressively on the floor which happened to land right on his face, which was also met by a flying pillow a second later. "Ow, thanks" He muttered sleepily and hugged the pillow like a Giant Infant®.  Mello yawned and chose to abandon me, scooting over to Crew and snuggling in his arms. I rolled my eyes, used to her betrayal; and let slumber succumb my exhausted body.

I woke up with a cold, hard surface pressed against my cheek, and unwrapped my arms from whatever I was clinging to in my sleep. Letting my eyes adjust to the morning brightness, I stared at the metallic sculpture that lay barely 5 inches away from my face. 

"Ew did you turn into metal in your sleep?" I mumbled incoherently to the bald metal statue that seemed to have appeared outta nowhere. My eyes fluttered open as I turned around to look at Crew peacefully sprawled across the floor. My head slowly turned back to look at the statue, and almost comically, my eyes widened with realization. 

I sprang off my bed, stifling back a scream that would sound disgusting in my groggy morning voice. 'It's too early for this shit' I mused internally at the hunk of metal, its expression mirroring my own. I shook Crew's body violently until he was wide awake and pointed towards my bed. 


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I dont even know how high I was while writing that schizophrenic part lmao
Now the word schizophrenia looks weird... 

Anywaysss, this chap was fun to write 👺😻🤸🏻‍♀️
cya in the next one, bye🏃🏻‍♀️💨

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