CHAPTER 2: Bloody bronze

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That night, I cried myself to sleep watching the glowing star stickers on my ceiling, after kicking Crew outta my house. The cheap Walmart stars did not suffice to satisfy my sudden craving of stargazing, so I slipped out of the comfort of my warm blanket and made my way towards the balcony.

I could have gone to the terrace to get a better view, but laziness is apparently my favorite thing so I just snuggled into the egg hammock, keeping myself warm with my fuzzy biotic blanket. (my cat)

Stargazing was something I enjoyed, just sleepily observing the tiny, glowing specks scattered across the enchanting, dark night sky. It seemed as though someone had poked billions of holes through the inky jet-black blanket that was wrapping all the vastness of the universe together.

Slouched in a comfortable position, I let my eyes roam around my surroundings, stopping at the well behind my backyard.

I felt my eyelids grow heavier as I stared at the ancient, musty well and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

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"I don't remember getting a hickey" I frowned, scanning my knee which was bruised. Oh wait! I forgot (she forgor 💀😔) that I still live in singular noun despite existing for nearly 20 years. Silly me. Besides who the hell gives hickeys on the knees.

I firmly pressed my thumb on the bluish-purple mark only to wince at the sensation of pain. It hurt a lot for such a tiny bruise.

I shrugged it off thinking I probably hit my knee somewhere in my sleep, since I usually wake up to see random bruises or scratches on my body. Well, part of the scratches belong to Mello, so I'm used to stinging sensation to the point that I don't even feel the pain anymore. (masochism?)

But it was getting a little concerning since it had been happening quite often lately. I would find bruises in random places like on my elbows, hands, knees, ankles, sometimes on my face.

I suspiciously looked over to see my cat, Marshmellow, or more specifically, Mello, rolling against the rough scratch pad, bathing in sunlight. Her tummy looked like it was glowing in the sun, so fluffy and so soft, I almost had the urge to reach over and squeeze it.

I didn't want her to be a victim of my cuteness aggression, since the outcome could be quite disastrous, so I just gave her a gentle tummy rub and made my way towards the kitchen.

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Switching on the T.V., I sat on my couch eating snacks and searching for something good to see. Nothing seemed to be interesting as I had almost watched every single series to have ever been released, so I put on a news channel for some background sound because it was getting real quiet and lonely not having Crew around. I was scrolling through my phone when the news lady said something that caught my attention, she mentioned the area I live in.

Curious as to why my neighborhood was worthy enough to be shown on T.V., I readjusted my scoliosis-looking spine and keenly listened to what the reporter had to say. Just then, the well situated behind my backyard was shown, and several life-sized figurines stood beside it. Something was being lifted out of the well, another human looking statue.

While the reporter went on blabbering about something, I sprinted towards my balcony to see people crowded around the well and new figurines being pulled out. I was content with just watching the melodrama from my balcony, not until I spotted a familiar figure taking selfies near the statues.

Now compelled to get out of the comfort of my house, I let out an annoyed huff while marching out of my house and out my compound, towards the commotion. How much hatred I bestow upon crowds, it would have been up in flames if looks could commit arson.

I yanked the pouting guy's ear, since no hair was left, interrupting his lovely moment with the bronze statues.

"What are you doing here when I clearly told you not to show up unless you have food? Also, your visuals are ruining the beauty of the sculpture." By the way, I'd like to bring to your attention that the sculptures looked downright horrendous.

"I came here because unlike you,I'm actually interested in my surroundings. Neither did I bring free food nor did I come here to see you, hmph" He replied puffing his cheeks up like a kid. If I were to put an egg beside his face, I would genuinely not even be able to spot a difference.

"Well, this is technically MY place, and I don't permit walking eggs in my property. Get your ass out of here before I shave something else off." I ignored his smirk and turned towards the bronze statue. The reporter was now flipping through the pages of her script or whatever and the cameras were all pointing towards the well.

The other bronze statues were carelessly thrown over to the side, piled up in one corner of my backyard. I walked upto the tree under which the figurines were placed, and closely inspected the peculiar looking things. These 'statues' seemed way too realistic with their expression a little too graphic and lifelike, faces unpleasantly twisted in horror and bodies contorted around in awkward positions. Some were even amputated.

Whoever made these pieces must have been severely mentally disturbed, or simply too talented. Like, I could never, with my chonky wobbly noodle fingers and unstable eyesight worse than 144p YouTube memes. When people say hyperrealism, they clearly haven't seen these masterpieces. I mean, this hunk of metal, looks more human than an actual one.

"Wait, what is this weird liquid running down their eyes?" Crew swiped his fingers across the cheek of a young girl's statue, intently staring at the rusty reddish brown substance.

"It's probably just rusted, what else would it be?" I deadpanned.

"But rust isn't a liquid and definitely not so delicious looking. Kinda looks like sriracha. I wanna lick it." Crew was being his normal self so I just shrugged, secretly curious as to what it tasted like.

Waiting for his reaction after the taste test, I expectantly tilted my head to the right, licking my lips in anticipation.
"So, how does it taste?"

"It tastes like blood."

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Nah Crew really licked a weird substance off a weird statue like it was nothing 🥶💀
bro probably looks like bacteria himself 🦠(without the pili)

My germophobic ass could never

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