Zephyr wriggled his head from Claude's hands. "You're crazy, you know that Papá. And I thought mummy was the crazy one." He laughed. "But come on we've fart arsed around long enough. It's already 7:15 and their meeting starts at 9:30 like ours...except it takes like 45 minutes to get there."

Zephyr's parents just studied him for a moment. "Well looks like someone's done their research." Said Ica humorously.

"Well yeah, I know this is dad's first talk and I just want everything to go okay. I mean, I know that Jehovah will take care of him...but I guess I'm a little nervous for him too." Zephyr looked down feeling a bit shy.

"Oh Zephie bears, you're such a kind caring boy." Said Ica hugging him. "You're right, Jehovah will take care of him and make sure everything goes smoothly." She kissed his head. "Alright, now run along and get dressed." She gave his bottom a playful whack as he scrambled off the bed. "We'll do the same."

"Okay, you've got 20 minutes and you'd better be dressed. And don't go back to kissing each other either!" He called as he ran to his room down the hall, with Roary on his feels.

When his parents heard his door close they smirked and leaned in to kiss each other but before their lips met they heard Zephyr's door open followed by his voice. "I mean it!" Then they heard it close once more.

His parents just looked at each other then burst out laughing. "Oh how I love that boy." Chortled Claude.

As Zephyr had wanted, his parents were dressed and downstairs within 20 minutes. "I'm so proud of you guys! You followed my directions! And I already fed the animals, and let Roary out so they are all good! Maybe I should be the grown up!"

Claude ruffled his brown wavy hair. "Crazy boy. So listen, go grab a change of play clothes."

Zephyr tilted his head. "Why?"

"Because one of the brothers offered hospitality, and I accepted." Replied Claude.

"Oh! Okay! Cool! I'll be right down!" With that he zipped upstairs.

As soon as he had gone upstairs he was back down, with an a Bug's Bunny shirt and matching shorts. "Here, I'll take those." Said Ica taking her son's clothes from him and stuffing them in the bag.

"You could fold those a mon amour, they would fit better." Said Claude. Ica just gave him a playful 'yeah okay' look and brushed past him and out the door. Claude looked to his son who shrugged innocently and giggled.

As the drove to the West Triangle Kingdom Hall, both Ica and Zephyr noticed Claude's stern face as he gripped the steering wheel. "Papá." Said Zephyr breaking the silence. "You have your Disney Villain on."

Claude glanced in the rear view mirror. "My Disney. Villain. Face?"

"Yeah, it's the face you make when you are troubled about something...but thinking about something at the same time. Your eyebrows go all slanted and you mouth turns down into a frown, and your expression becomes really hard. Makes you look like a Disney villain." Zephyr explained.

Claude just raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

Ica leaned reached over and took his hand. "He's right, wily old man. But you are the farthest thing from a Disney Villain." She kissed the hand she was holding, making his face soften. Then Ica turned around and eyed Zephyr. "Zephie bears, you do know you get that exact same expression as your father sometimes right? That means you must look like a Disney villain too." She retorted sticking her tongue out at him. He tried to playfully whack her in the head but she ducked, his hand whooshing through empty air. "Too slow!"

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