Level 13: Bloodstained Philisophy

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[As soon as they reached the parking lot, Ruby turned to Hydro, her brow furrowed with concern.]

RUBY: Hydro, what just happened back there? Who were those guys?

[Hydro hesitated, searching for the right words to defuse the situation. He couldn't reveal the true danger they were in.]

HYDRO: It's nothing serious, Ruby. Just an old friend of mine who got a bit mad. Nothing to worry about.

[Ruby seemed to accept his explanation, though the worry in her eyes didn't completely fade. Katie approached, having finally found Hydro again after their earlier separation. She greeted him with a smile, though there was a hint of sadness as she knew their time together was limited.]

KATIE: Hey, Hydro. How's Canada treating you?

[Hydro smiled back, trying to keep the mood light.]

HYDRO: It's good. No monsters chasing me, so that's a plus. Just make sure you guys stay safe, okay?

[Katie nodded, appreciating his concern. She gave him a quick hug before rejoining her family, who were heading to another country. Hydro watched them leave, feeling a mixture of sadness and relief.]

[As soon as Katie was out of sight, a holographic interface popped up in front of Hydro. The progress bar for the movie "Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken" was now at 32%. Hydro was surprised at how quickly things were moving along.]

HYDRO: Wow, that's quick. Alright, let's keep going.

[He turned to Ruby and her family, who were waiting expectantly.]

HYDRO: Let's head back to the Gillman Real Estate.

[The walk back was filled with light conversation and laughter. Ruby's family thanked Hydro for joining them, and he waved goodbye as they parted ways at the estate's entrance.]

AGATHA: Thank you so much for joining us, Hydro. It was a pleasure having you.

HYDRO: No problem at all. It was great spending time with you all. Take care!

[With a final wave, Hydro walks away to go back to his motel. Hydro made his way back to his motel finally without worries. The familiar sight of his small, cozy room greeted him as he entered. He sat down on the chair, feeling the day's events catching up with him.]

HYDRO: Inventory.

[The interface appeared again, showing Hydro's current balance of 2,563,873,496 coins. He chuckled, the sheer number making him feel like he was in a SEGA Yakuza game.]

HYDRO: This feels surreal.

[Curious, Hydro explored the System's features and discovered a cash transfer option. He decided to convert 500,000 coins. Moments later, a stack of cash materialized beside his bed. He picked it up, feeling the weight and the reality of it.]

HYDRO: Pretty cool. I could save my cash.

[Just then, his phone rang. It was Ghos. Hydro answered, eager to hear the latest updates.]

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