"Seb is saying to keep Kimi away from the vodka." Daniel informs Emilia as she pulled into the hotel car park.

"Say that I said I will buy Kimi a bottle of vodka just to piss Seb off." Emilia replies.

"Oh we are definitely getting Kimi on the vodka tonight." Daniel agrees.

"Kimi and vodka are the best mix." Emilia laughs.

"Okay," Daniel pauses to read the message he'd received. "Seb said that if Kimi gets hurt and can't race then your the one to tell Arrivabene why he can't race."

"I've had to do that before so that's fine." Emilia shrugs.

"You have?" Daniel asks.


"I need to hear this story."

"Another time, little one."

"Hey! I am not a little one!"

"Yeah sure."

"Emilyyy! I'm not!"

"Totally belivable."

Daniel was unable to continue arguing his case because Emilia slipped away into her hotel room, telling him that she would see him at 7 o'clock sharp in the hotel lobby.

At 7 o'clock sharp, all 20 F1 drivers were gathered in the hotel lobby getting ready to leave.

Because they were in Monaco, they were all dressed to the nines. It was one of the only times Emilia would ever be seen in a dress and pair of heels because she hated dresses and heels. The only reason she was remotely comfortable with how she was dressed is because she had shorts on underneath the dress and was fully prepared to take her heels off and walk around barefooted if she had to.

Daniel hadn't liked that idea and convinced her that if she took her shoes off he would be giving her a piggy back ride even if they were both drunk out of their minds.

Clubs in Monaco had a certain vibe about them that you couldn't get anywhere else in the world. They were fancy because Monaco was a fancy country that housed many different generations of tax evaders alongside Formula One drivers whose salaries were up in the millions. With the clubs being fancy, it was code for expensive, and security was always tight around the entrances.

But the group of 20 got in without trouble, one of the only positives of being known worldwide.

The minute they were inside, music was pounding in their ears and people were bumping into them left right and centre. Emilia ended up holding onto Daniel who led her through the crowd whilst she gripped Charles' hand because he was scared he would get lost in the crowds. The Monegasque dragging Pierre behind him so that the Frenchman wouldn't run rouge without him. The other drivers were being forced to fight their way through the drunken bodies until they reached the quiet corner they had scouted out.

The dedicated sobers of the night were of course Sebastian but also Lewis, Romain and Nico.

"Make sure Kimi stays well away from the vodka." Sebastian informs the other three.

"Mission failed." Lewis mutters.

"What!? Already!?" The German half-shouts, spinning around in confusion.

"Yep." Romain says hesitantly.

"Em, Kimi, Checo, Valtteri and Fernando are doing vodka shots." Nico informs the Ferrari driver.

"Oh great." Sebastian sighs. "Just great."

"Hey, break it up." Emilia slaps the other drivers hands away when she sees Sebastian approaching. "Kimi stop!"

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