Torture From The Prince

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Porchay pov :


porchay say while sitting in a lecture."but his eyes they were so mysterious so captivating and his lips looked so pink and kissable, his hair was jet black was so straight and his looked so soft, and in that split second his arm that surrounded me was so muscles yet slim" i think

Im a artist and his the most beautiful art I've ever seen.

"but why does he hate me??... Oh" porchay recalls all the event that happened from the morning.
"well its not my fault his just grumpy" porchay sulked




The next day

Porchay pov :

"ah all done"
I made small cakes and brownies for mr red, i don't know why im doing this but there something about him, maybe him being  absolutely sexy
But remember porchay personality.

yes, personality is wat matters...(abs)

I put the brownies in a little red box and i wrote there to mr red.

I wonder if he will take them..he has to i worked so hard




ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏・゚:At college

I  finished all my classes and it was time that everyone go to they clubs

I even forgot to sign up for the art club, but ill do it right after i give this box to phi kim. I walk to the basketball court and just as i got there a ball goes flying straight to my face

But then a random figure caught it.

"are u ok??" he asked, i looked at him "yes im ok thank u so much for that" i say

"its ok, the names macau but please call me cau" he says

"porchay, porchay kittisawasd, but erhm.. Call me chay" i say smiling

Macau just starred and me

Not knowing that two piercing eyes was looking at at them


Kim pov :

I scoffed as i watched those two. The ball should of hit him maybe he get alil brains, annoying goldfish. Wat is he even doing here and why is he fucking smiling at that fox of a cousin. Macau.


i have so many options, like that dumb goldfish can ever get a chance

Porchay pov :

After talking to macau which seemed like forever, i called out to phi kim

"MR. RED!!!" i shouted

Kim looked furiously at me, he started walking over to me and i srsly thought that was going to be my end, i closed my eyes and braced for death but it had not came

But wat had been heard was the whistle.

The game had started and as i looked back kim just looked and me with disgusted and went back on the court.

I decided that to sit down the the benches and watch the came, the sound of the ball constantly hit the ground, was being overshadowed by the loud screams and shouts of kims fan girls.

I look over and see about 12 girls screaming kims name out for attention and i swear about 3 of them have a boyfriend.

I look back on the court and concentrate on wats so good about the show in front if him.. It wasn't surprising


His movements on the court, the way his hair moved with every motion, the way his hands grabbed the ball so perfectly, the way his eye focused on the ball... It reminds me yesterday

Kimhan was non the less the most enchanting person I've ever met

I was starring for so long i didn't realize the the game had finished and i was starring that kim himself and a bunch of the other basket ball players walked my way

Kim stood inches away from me. Piercing me with his gaze, i was so lost in his eyes... then it hit me

The box

"ah yes phi kim i made these for you" i quickly random the box and display it to him

He holds it in his hands

He accepted it.. he really accepted it

I smile slowly began to rise on my face...

Then in wat looked like slow motion
He flipped the box upside-down over my head, leading to all the treats falling over my head

Everything was going so slow yet so fast

Everyone was laughing at me, the echoing of snickering and laughter surrounded me. I felt so small... So vulnerable for the first time.

Tears started to cloud up my eyes. Starting to pour down ny face that was covered with bits of crumbs from the brownies I had prepared.

I looked up at kim, expecting some sort of sadness. But i am a fool.

No sadness.

No guilt.

The only thing that plastered his face was satisfaction.

And in that moment i realized that he wasn't prince charming that everyone was seeking for

A ice prince? Yes

"what fucking bullshit is this" he said  while one of his goons dust the crumbs from the box onto my heads
"haha im flattered. Not really but after all that attitude u just like everyone else" he smirked at me

That smirked held evil.

"you just a slut aren't u?" he smiled

He kept taunting me until someone said something... A familiar voice


"KIM, cut it out." he says staring into macau eyes.

Kim looked at me then grabbed my arm qnd dragged me somewhere just like last time.

We entered a changing room.

He then looked at me

I didn't realize as my eyes was clothed with tears.

A slender finger lifted my chin, kims.

He looked straight into my eyes. I am so confused to wat has been happening.

He came close to my ear and gently slided his tongue against it

This warm feeling.

He kissed me along my jaw

My legs getting weak and with that he stopped and i started to breath again, regaining my composure.

"just like i said" kim began

"you a slut that just spreads they legs"

A Nobody And The Ice Prince Where stories live. Discover now