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-The Day-

(Amity's Pov)

My class had already finished so i decided to go to Luz's last class even tho i'm still mad at her i still wanna know the reason and how everything happened.

I waited there for about a minute when the last bell rang.

"Hey cutie~" I heard someone said, i quickly took a peek to see who that was. "Shut up, Sarah." I heard Luz said
"Did my plan worked?~" Sarah said "Wtf are you talking about? What plan??" "Oh, yk to make you and your girlfriend break up so you can be mine already~" i tried to stay calm as possible when she said that "Yk Sarah, you can stop now 'cause you'll never getting me from Amity." I heard Luz said "Oh, is that so cutie?" She was abot to kiss Luz again that time, i can't let that happen again.
I rushed inside and pushed the girl.

"BACK OF NITWIT, SHE'S MINE!" i yelled to her "Ugh, she's not." I gasp at what she said

"stay away from her.." i said with a venom in my voice and a boiling blood. "And what if i don't?"

"YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER OR YOU'LL GET A TASTE OF THIS FIRE BABIES." i light up my hand with fire moving forward to her to thretened her life.

"Hermosa, that's enough let's go home." Luz stopped me.

I didn't have any choice so i did what she said.

-Fast Forward-

(Eda's Pov)

I'm currently thinking a way to get back to the boiling isle without odelia finding out, i'm actually worried about the blight siblings and Luz too. Knowing that Odelia is after them just gives me worries.

I'm worried that we'll have to stay and develope in the human realm for quite sometimes, just untill everything is settled down, i don't want the twins and the love birds get into too much troubles.

(Camilla's Pov)

These poor kids.. they don't deserve all of what's happening right now.. "Hey uhm, owl lady??" I asked "Eda. Just call me Eda." She replied "Right Eda, so when will the kids return home? Not that i don't what them here it's just i'm worried for them." "I know, so do i."
"I don't know how long we're gonna stay here but i think this may take sometimes.." She added.

(Luz's Pov)

Amity is still mad at me even tho she've already saw that it was not my fault.

I think of an apology plan 'cause i want to make it special so she can forgive me. Something so special that she would love and make her realize that's she's the only girl i want, and i would marry someday.

"Hey willow!" I called "Wazzup?" "How do you apologize to someone in your realm?" I asked "How what?"
"I mean, how do you apologize to someone you love?" "Lemme guess, you and Amity had a fight, did you?" "Yes, but that's not the answer i needed!" "You'll just say sorry normaly but if it's Amity, oh boy you better plan something big 'cause that girl is hard." She said.

-Few hours later-

Fuck, it's been an hour but i still can't think of what kind of apology i would go, i have 3 choices that i think would fit. Sing her a song, bring her to my comfort place, make out with her.


"Ok, maybe not that." Few more minutes passed by "Maybe i'll just sing her a song?" That idea is kinda good, "But what song?" I think of songs i could play to her.

"Hey boscha, willow i need your help guys!!" I yelled

"Oooh, can we help too?" The twins asked, i stopped for a sec thinking if it was a good idea or not. "K fine, you two can." I said "But first follow me guys, let's keep this out of Amity." They all nodded.

We were now at a coffee shop where i always go when i was just high school.

"Soo, what brings you to bring us here?" Asked Em "And Why don't you want Amity to know about it?" Another question from Ed "Yeah" willow and boscha agreed.

I sigh "Me and Amity had a fight.. and i want to apologize to her 'cause i can't handle not taking and being with her." I explained.

"Ahh, so you want us to help you apologize to her?" Ed said "Yes, so i need you guys to help me pick some songs i can use." "Songs for what? What exactly are you planning?" Em asked "well i was planning to play her a song and also i need your help to decorate the place we're gonna be at" "Mhmm, sounds good to me" willow said. "So this is the plan..."

I said the plan to them clearly.

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