|| You? || Silvercandle ||

Start from the beginning

I grabbed a pair of sleep shorts and a shirt that was way too big I came out of the bathroom and fell face first onto my bed I turned around for some air and layed in bed waiting for something to happen indeed something did happen since I got a notification, reaching for my phone my expression changed frantically.

-An hour later-

This one is from silvers point of view ;P

To be honest, in my opinion Candle should get professional help, perhaps I'll ask her if that would be okay.

Me and Candle have grown closer to each other and quite frankly I think she needed that.

I walked down the corridor to her room y'know just to check up. I knocked on the door, nothing.

"Candle, is everything okay can I come in?" Nothing.

"Candle I'm coming in okay?" I slowly opened the door and was startled by the view of her struggling to take breaths and hollow sobbing on the edge of the bed.

I rush over grabbing her hand and sitting beside her. "Try to take normal breaths darling, I'm here don't worry" Her normally deep violet eyes where now swollen with tears, lifeless, like two pools of fog.

Her inhalations slowly calmed down, while I rubbed circles in her palm.

When her gasps stopped she continued to sob, I put my hand over her shoulder and pulled her closer.

" I w— g—n- -i-" she mumbled under her breath.

"I didn't quite catch that dear? Could you repeat please" her eyes focused on the floor as she spoke through her tears.

"I thought I was gonna choke, i was scared I didn't want to I'm sorry"

"Oh Candle dear please there is nothing to apologise for" I cooed her.

A few minutes later ~

I Lay in bed hundreds of thoughts racing in my mind I began too feel a bit unconscious  and sleepy I look up at silver spoon as he began speaking.


"Yes silver?"

"I've been thinking about y'know how I'm not always here for you"

"Silver I assure you that even when your not with me I'm pretty much okay and-"

"Candle tell me do you feel safe around me"

"I- um-"

„Candle Please respond"

„Yes i do i feel safe in fact very safe"

"Well just as I thought, thank you dear I'll be leaving for now I promise to be back soon"

"Okay bye"

He got up and left the room.

What the hell!? What was that about?! I don't understand... I guess I'll just find out tomorrow I lay down and close my eyes drifting off to sleep

The next day~

I wake up my eyes focused on the ceiling not blinking not moving hardly breathing I lay like that for about 10 minutes then I proceeded to grab my phone and scroll on tik tok for a while to y'know wake up my mind a bit.

A couple minutes pass I decide to get up and do a morning routine, changing into some gray sweatpants and a black sleeveless top as I finished I slip into bed once again feeling the heat left over from my body.

As soon as I made myself comfortable I hear a knock at the door.

I get up disappointingly and open the door to see a person with pristine well kept white hair and a light skin tone, paper.

!!OPEN!! Inanimate insanity Oneshots :3Where stories live. Discover now