||Nightly Breeze||Candle x Cabby x Clover||

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A request for 

(Please keep in mind that this is my first time writing a one shot with a poly ship so this might be a little awkward X3 anyways I'm sorry if this isn't what you expected)

Cabby pov :
I open my eyes again, unable to sleep I find it utterly impossible now, I slowly sit up looking over the bed towards my girlfriends. They were sleeping ever so soundly Clovers hand in mine as candle spooned her from behind. I didn't have any intention of waking them up of course but being alone in the middle of the night with no one to talk to wasn't exactly the best feeling. I slowly let go of clovers hand expecting her to do the same, even though she was asleep my expectations came true i could leave the bed without disturbing they're sleep. I slowly sit up on the edge of the bed and stand up in a tired fashion. I slowly walk across the room and sit down in my wheelchair, Oh god my legs nearly gave in right there. I slowly scoot out of the room careful to not awaken anyone.

Clovers pov :
I sit up drowsily as if something was weighing me down, rubbing my eyes i notice candle clinging onto me i think I woke her up. I sit waiting for her to get up too, I need to apologise to her immediately! As she came to consciousness I started to talk while clearing my throat. "I'm sorry Candy I didn't mean to" She grabbed a bottle of water from the side of the bed, drank some and put it away while replying to me "Don't worry hun things happen" Turning back to me with her usual calm smile, then turning to a more confused expression as if she noticed something. I look back and notice that cabby was gone, I did feel uncomfortable and a bit cold from that side if I remember correctly. I look back at candle who was contemplating i presume. She slowly got out of bed as I followed "where do you think she could Have gone?" She seemed to ask quite genuinely. I shrugged my shoulders then followed my action by saying "maybe she needed some fresh air, that's what I would do" "I actually think that's very probable" she gave me a smile and took my hand leading me out of the door.

As we reached the exit of the hotel the automated doors opening on us. We walked outside ,moonlight shining on our faces. I notice a rustle somewhere near us, yeah that should be her alright. I look at Candle she nods my way approving our movement towards the sound. We slowly tip toe towards the noise while hoping is was Cab. Candle slowly looked over the tree that was blocking a lot of our vision. She motioned me too come over with her hand, and so I did. I look over Candles shoulder and see Cabby laying in the grass on her back observing the stars, i suppose. Candle leaned into me and whispered softly"Want to scare her?" I look to her and notice a devious smile on her face, not something I would see on the daily but i liked it. "Oh of course!" I whispered happily also wearing a rather smug look on my face, I liked this it was refreshing just us and a couple of fun activities that at the end of the day don't end in someone's fit of rage. I know we've only been dating for a while not even a year but I felt like this is something that was going to last long in fact very long, I feel great that the people around me aren't being hurt by my luck. Although it's still there haunting me as if it was looking down at me menacingly, but as I have come to a realisation I just needed a shoulder or two to cry on, let my woes out and it really helped. I'm still cursed with luck but I try to not think about it and when you have two amazing girlfriends, it's pretty easy. Candle picked up a rock that seamlessly just appeared under our feet and threw it in the opposite direction where we were coming from, that should take her notice. Indeed, Cabby swung up as if she were stung by lightning and sat up in awareness. Candle quickly ran up to her and covered her eyes, Cabby was taken aback by the gesture and squeaked quietly, but calmed down immediately when she heard Candle "Guess whooo?" Her voice echoing in a gentle fashion, she motioned with her head for me to come over and scare cab, I did so tip toeing quickly and setting in front of cab. "Oh thank god, Candle you know I'm easily scaRAA-" she mini screamed at my surprise attack, I giggled softly at her as she mildly fell on her back. Soon enough Her and Candle joined me as we all changed into a fit of giggles and snarks. We all eventually calm down and sit down on the grassy floor. "please don't team up on me ever again, I felt like my heart stopped for a second" Cab spat out still enthusiastic from before. "We are just too powerful" I added on with a wide smile on my face. The chilly forestry breeze collided on my face creating a nice sensation, I could stay like this forever, just in this moment nothing less nothing more. "Why did you come here in the first place? if you don't mind me asking of course" Candle asked cabby still confused about her actions, while I myself was also waiting for an answer. "I just couldn't sleep that's all, though that maybe some fresh air would do me some good also the stars are pretty visible so that's a plus" Cabby said with a tired tone of voice. "Oh I didn't notice" Candle looked up at the sky as I followed. "They're really pretty" I chirped out softly, in fact there was a clear sky tonight, no clouds at all. Candle leaned on cabby laying in between her legs, back of her head resting on the cabinets collarbone still observing the stars. I climbed into Candles embrace curling into a ball and into her arms as I admire the stars. We're cuddling together benefiting of of each other's body warmth, moonlight gently shining down on us with the chilly breeze finished this scenery of. I felt a couple kissed on my head from candle and giggled at the gesture. I saw Candle forcing her head up and a bit back so cabby could kiss her on the cheek. I slowly become lost in the scene feeling all droopy and sleepy, turns out I wasn't the only one as I heard a faint yawn from cabby, then candle. "Goodnight, love ya" I whispered calmly closing my eyes before drifting off to sleep.

・:*☆── 1132 words ──☆*:・

Hello i have came back after quite a break, I know it's a cliché Wattpad writer move but a a lot has been happening in terms of my mental health these past few days, I also have theatre classes and we are getting ready for our next spectacle, so I have a lot in my hands but I still find the time to write.

I'm so sorry that this took so long I hope it's at least readable

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