No one answered her.

"If she hadn't seen the article first, we wouldn't be alive," Stella said.

"You're right," Annika said, evidently realizing something. "Around the time the bullets were shot, Aurora was supposed to be near the orchestra to give her acceptance speech and choose which charities she was going to support as the Crown Princess".

"And the orchestra was halfway across from us. Much farther away from where she was standing," Mei said.

"They thought she would read the article and have a direct view of the massacre," Kamlai said.

"But she was near us," Stella said, "And by some miracle, she saved us, and only got shot in her right shoulder. Not that that's like good or anything. Getting shot is bad".

"Life lessons 101,  Stella," Vienna said, now tasting the salsa Elora had made. "Needs a bit more of cumin".

Elora added some cumin, and tasted it.

"See, Elena. Vienna is a much better taster than you," she said looking at her sister.


"This is nice," Elizabeth said, putting the dough in rough circles, and sliding them into the oven.

"It's been a long time since we just talked," Johanna agreed.

"Um... before we go over there, just wanted to tell you that Lucian also found the Illuminati's symbol on the man's feet," Elora said.

"That's obvious. He's a fully inducted member then," Mei said.

"We just need to figure out how he got into the palace despite so much security from all of our kingdom," Dhiya said.

"He had someone on the inside," Elena said. "There's no other explanation for it".

"I'll ask Lucian to begin combing through the records," Elora said, grating some cheese.

"Oh, and Elora. Gabriel said he'll be leaving in a few days with Edward. Elena and I will be leaving... well, whenever, to avoid raising suspicions. And Gabriel has also ensured that Edward has more security than anyone, even him," Vienna said.

"And Stella, Elena, Elizabeth and I have lent them extra guards too," Johanna said.

"I don't know how to thank you," Elora said gratefully.

"You'd do it for us, if ever anything happened," Stella said, "In fact, you've already done so much for us. It's time we repay the debts we owe".

"It wasn't meant as a debt," Elora said quickly.

"We know," Stella said, giving a rare smile, and telling her something that reminded her of her Selection. "But a debt owed, is still a debt owed".

Elora nodded.

"Now that it's over... how's life here in Illea? I mean last time we talked you were crying about some Selected girl and now you found your daughter?" Vienna said. "Give me the deets, Lo".

"You met her even in Ella's birthday ball," Johanna pointed out.

"Yeah but were busy talking about other stuff then," Vienna said.

Johanna began grumbling something about 'kids' with Mei and Annika joining in.

"Well..." Elora began. "The Selected girl was Ella, except she was called Aurora back then".

"No.  Way!" Elizabeth said, washing her batter-y hands. "I thought Aurora was just the name she was raised with. I didn't know she was the same person as the Selected girl!".

The Lost Princess - A 'Selection' spinoffWhere stories live. Discover now