
"My friends" Araya said sighing. "I don't think you're aware of your poor timing" Araya said.

"Do you know what the dark moon is" Araya asked. "The part of the lunar phase when the moon is least visible in the sky" Lydia explained.

"But do you know it's meaning" Araya asked. "Some people say it's a time of reflection, or grief" Lydia said.

"Grief and loss Mija I wonder why, when you and your friends have suffered so much loss you would risk it again for someone like Derek Hale" Araya said.

"Cause we don't like to lose" Stiles said. "Malia en la Argentina" The bartender said over the radio in Spanish.

"Front door clear" The East guard said over the radio. "South clear" the south guard said over the radio.

"North" Servo asked over the radio but received no answer.

"Norte donde esta norte" Servo" said over the radio. "Norte donde esta norte" Servo said over the radio again.

On the other end of the radio Scott picked up the radio from the guard he knocked out. "Stiles take 10 off the table" Scott said over the radio as Stiles did so.

"Maybe you should just take the deal" Lydia said. "While I'm keen to follow the warning of a banshee I'm going to have to decline" Araya said.


Malia and Kira were still dancing on the dance floor at the club when hunters started making their way to them as they noticed.

"Ready" Malia asked Kira. Kira nodded and Malia turned around as she took the guard down behind her. Kira used her num-chuks to take down the one behind her.

Another hunter was making his way to them, but Scott knocked him out before he could.

The three then made their way out of the club into a hallway to try to find Derek.


"Aaaa come on just give us Derek, you don't want him anyway" Stiles said. "Haven't you noticed what a downer he is" Stiles asked.

No sense of humor poor conversation list just come on take the money" Stiles said.

"Severo show them how the Calaveras negotiate" Araya said over the radio.


Kira, Scott, and Malia were still trying to find Derek when steam started blowing their way.

Scott went to investigate when it blew on them. "Wolfsbane, it's wolfsbane Kira, Kira, get out of here " Scott said coughing. "Kira" Scott said. "Look out, look out" Scott said but Kira was knocked out. 

Araya made her way to Scott. "Someone who has been an alpha only a few months should be more careful when facing a hunter of 40 years" Araya said.

"All we want is Derek" Scott said. "My lobito you're a long way from home" Araya said. 

Scott realized she had no idea where Derek was. "You don't know where he is either" Scott said before Araya shocked him knocking him out.


"Okay so how long has it been" Stiles asked Scott and Lydia as they made it in the animal clinic. 

"Weeks he hasn't gotten back to any of my texts" Scott said. "Has Derek ever returned your texts" Stiles asked.

"Once definitely once but this time it felt different, so I went to the loft the alarm was on everything looked okay but then I found these" Scott said showing them.

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