Chapter 2 🌶️

Start from the beginning

She adjusts the temperature to the perfect warmth, exactly how I like it. She hands me a fluffy towel, a small gesture of care and encouragement.

"Just take your time, Em. Let the water wash away the sorrow," Valarie says, her voice gentle. Her eyes, filled with understanding, meet mine, and for a moment, we share a silent acknowledgment of all that we've been through together. It's not just the shower that offers cleansing; it's Valarie's unwavering support.

As I step into the shower, the cascade of water envelops me, washing away the physical and emotional grime. Each droplet carries with it a sliver of hope. Under the cascade of water, I let myself reflect on our friendship, on Valarie's relentless optimism, and the countless times she's pulled me back from the brink. Valarie has always been the more level headed of the two of us.

The water feels like a baptism, a rebirth, and I allow myself to believe, if only for a moment, that I can begin to heal.

Emerging from the shower, I feel a flicker of energy returning to my limbs. Wrapped in the cozy towel, I make my way back to the living room where Valarie has prepared a simple yet comforting meal.

"Freshly made grilled cheese, just for you," she announces with a mischievous grin. "Because everyone knows that cheese has magical healing powers."

I can't help but smile, the corners of my lips lifting in response to her infectious enthusiasm. Valarie knows exactly how to lift my spirits, even in the darkest of times.

Maybe this grilled cheese won't solve all my problems, but it's a reminder that there are still moments of joy to be found. It's a reminder that I'm not alone.

As I take a bite of the warm, gooey sandwich, a burst of flavor dances on my taste buds. It's simple, yet it carries a touch of comfort and familiarity that warms my heart.

Valarie plops down beside me, her own sandwich in hand. We eat together, the simple comfort of the meal bringing some semblance of normality to my chaotic world. But as the last bites disappear and the empty plates sit on the coffee table, Valarie's expression changes. It's more serious, her eyes probing, and I know what's coming.

"Em," she begins cautiously, "I know this is hard, but have you thought about what's next? You can't stay on my couch forever."

The thought had crossed my mind, but I'd been avoiding it like a poorly written novel. Finding a new place to live meant admitting that my old life was gone.

"I know, Val. I know," I sigh, feeling a fresh pang of grief. "I'll start looking for a new place today."

Valarie reaches across the table, squeezing my hand. "I'll help you. We'll find something great. You're not alone in this."

Her words strengthen me, and with a reluctant smile, I agree. "Okay. Let's do this."

Hours later, we're huddled around Valarie's laptop, scrolling through endless listings of rentals. Some of the descriptions make me laugh, while others send a shiver down my spine.

"A one-bedroom closet with scenic views of the alley's garbage cans," Valarie jokes, reading one of the less-than-stellar descriptions. "Oh, here's one. Cozy basement suite, occasional flooding, friendly spiders."

I grimace at the thought. "How about this one? Luxury penthouse with gold-plated toilets. Only three times my annual salary!"

Or what used to be my annual salary. I should also be looking for another job. It won't help to find a place if I get kicked out for not being able to afford the rent.

We share a laugh over the gold-plated toilets, but as the hours wear on and the reality of my situation sets in, the task becomes daunting. Nothing feels right. Everything is either too expensive, too sketchy, or too far away.

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