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I bad barely woke up from sleeping as it was morning, I got up brushed my teeth and changed to head downstairs

My parents always tried to give me a good life and I know how hard they tried, " breakfast is ready " my mom said as she had a big smile

I smiled back and admired all the delicious food waffles, bacon, eggs and orange juice after being able to enjoy my food I had to get work done since I worked as a secretary

Y/n- i have some work to get done so imma just go to the near by coffee shop and work there
Mom- okay take care my love and be safe

I got my computer and left the house I walked to the coffee shop since it wasn't that far away I was meeting up with my friend either way

I arrived and placed an order and went to a table by the corner and started working, not much later my friend joy came

Joy- hey girl did you order me something too?
Y/n- shoot i forgot I'll go order it

I got up from the table quickly and headed to the cashier but before I could I bumped into someone I suddenly felt a burning pain as he had spilled his coffee on me

Y/n- ah!

Looking up it was a very good looking good it really distracted the burning pain I had, I got napkins and started wiping it off

That's when I feel someone grab my wrist and then me around it was the guy he didn't say anything but was helping me

I was wearing shorts so he was wiping it off my thighs I was getting shy and nervous so I just told him it was okay but he hadn't let go of my wrist

Guy- I'm sorry how much do I owe you?
Y/n- nothing-... it's fine
Guy- I'm asking how much I owe you not that if it's okay
Y/n- it's okay seriously I live by I'll go and change

I pulled my arm and went to the bathroom as that was making me super nervous I've never had such an interaction like this one

Back to me my shorts were ruined and my thighs were red it wasn't the end of the world so I just went back to the table joy and I were at

Joy- omg girl look what he left for you

Tell me why I come back to find a stack of $100 dollar bills on the table " you should've not let him" she started giggling

Joy- you find him cute don't you
Y/n- joy no he spilled coffee on me nope
Joy- you ran into him
Y/n- we ran into each other

We just worked and talked about other stuff but It wouldn't leave my mind on how he stayed quiet as he wiped the coffee off my thighs while holding my wrist

Joy- thinking about him huh?

I gave her death stare but indeed I was I got a glance of his face for like a second and now it feels like I don't remember him

Me and joy went out for lunch and walked around the city she really was manifesting she would bump into her soulmate

Y/n- gonna have to manifest harder
Joy- to be you the way he helped you and held onto your wrist I would've fallen in love right there
Y/n- you're a walking red flag

She yelled so loud bystanders just stared at us I love joy but sometimes she's to much ahha! " what about it" she then gasped as she was in disbelief

Joy- the wealthiest estate in the country and I heard the CEO is some young hot guy
Y/n- we'll manifest you bump into him

That's when I remembered what I wished for a rich hot guy but now and days man just want you for your body

Y/n- we should head to to the office it's getting late

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