Chapter 6: Into the Storm

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The days have begun to grow shorter and colder with winds blowing a gale over the stripped land, the earth grows wet and muddy by the day. There's been times where you've caught yourself slipping an almost had your wellies swallowed whole by the numerous marsh pits lining along the perimeter of the fields. Temperatures have dropped and it seems that everyone is in mourning of the bountiful hot summer days for the cruel winter is knocking at everyone's doors. The whining of your bedroom window has been adding fuel to the fire to try and disturb your already restless nights being spent tossing and turning for a position that won't elicit a bedspring to poke you.

But that now means your morning breakfast calls have returned to Kita dragging you out of bed even when you whine about how tired you are or how cold it was throughout the night. He hasn't sought to care about your complaints as you've only found thread-bare, thin blankets stuffed deep within his Narnian wardrobe that you've now resorted to wearing double layers to bed and making do with shivering. Your teeth still chatter even as you slurp up the remainder of your miso soup trying to lessen the prickle within your throat.

The cold season is coming.

Kita the barbaric man has all but spoken a few words to you this morning and that's just how you like it even with him furiously scrubbing away in the kitchen keenly interested at the sink. His silly pink frilly pinny hangs snuggly off his frame as he too has succumbed to the drastic drop in temperature within this poorly insulated house. He dons a thick woolly jumper; finally, something other than his favourite maroon one and his leather bomber jacket. Unlike you and your endeavours to remain warm and to stop chattering your teeth there's not a peep of a sound or grunt coming from him.

Just silence.

You're surprised since he's only a few days away from full blown mania or what Togashi explained to you yesterday as a farmers most important time of the year. Having his yield inspected from a grain inspector all the way from the big city to grade his rice and if it's acceptable for markets. But if it's not then everything for the past six months has been for nought and not even Osamu would want to buy Kita's rice. But Kita told you that he's not worried, he knows he'll pass it, and you call Amiru egotistical when really all farmers are slighted big-headed about their produce.

"Aye, it's bloody cold out there." Togashi grumbles, stomping into the kitchen removing his thick scarf and gloves.

Kita turns briefly in acknowledgment before swivelling back around to business, you assume this is just how they greet each other during this time of the year, or it could be that Kita's just grown accustomed to the old man's grumbling like any adopted grandson would. Togashi however sees no problem with Kita's lack of greeting and dives right over the stove into boiling some tea in hopes to warm his own chattering teeth. At least you're not alone in the chilly factor but the only difference is that the house is only a few degrees warmer than outside. As Kita does turn back to his precious sink you notice something strange, a small, mangled cleaning brush that looks like it's seen better days but it's rather too small to be doing any damage to the grime. Craning your neck as far out as you can, your chair creaking under the imbalanced weight as you leer sideways. A choke of a sound stumbles in your throat as you're mixed with something like shock and something rather ticklish.

He's officially gone mad.

He's using a bloody toothbrush to help scrub away the finer grime cemented into the little crevices, that you burst out laughing swinging back onto your chair that you almost go tumbling down. The two men pause to look at you, Togashi has that parent smile but it's Kita who looks like you've grown a second head.

"Ya, alright there, love?" Togashi chuckles as he takes out a few mugs from the cupboard.

Kita has yet to return to business.

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