I know I probably acted a bit like bitch to them back then, and they will most likely have question for me when they get back. But I just needed to get away. You'd think that after 15 years you;'d finally get over the death of loved one. So why haven't I? I don't even remember my what my mum looks like. All I have is the blurry memory of that dream. Her touch, voice, love. I remember any of it. I guess that what hurt the most for me.

But after that dream I had, I felt a little bit more at ease. As if I had finally gotten the closure that I so desperately craved for. Of course I won't just get over the death of my mum in an instant. It takes time to heal the deep wounds of the past, and I understand that. I just had hoped that I had at least made some importer. But It looks like I haven't. As I still feel quite sour about today. My friends who looked so excited to go and celebrate with their mothers, whilst I'm stuck with nothing but a blurred memory of mine.

I continue walking through the forest, enjoying the peace of the early morning,. Making my way to mine and Ezra's usual spot. I wonder if he'll be there today. He might've gone home. Before I used to enjoy my morning workouts as it was the time of the today where I could just focus on me. The idea of spending the early morning and doing workouts with anyone else would've seriously annoyed me to bits. But that wasn't the case with Ezra. Even though I hate to admit it, I enjoy his company. He's seriously a great guy. Though we've only known each other for a about a week or so, to me it seems like I've known this guy my whole life.

"Morning Firefly" grins, a certain blonde. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. I groan in slight annoyance at the horrible nickname, turning to face the man with a displeased look. However his grin grew wider, seemingly enjoying my reaction. "Morning" I grumble, walking over to him. Trying my best to keep my eyes anywhere but him. He was dressed in his usual workout clothes, a pair of sweatpants ands a vest. And the upper body clothing did very little in concealing his muscle structure. The shirt always seemed tight, hugging onto every outline of muscle it could.

"Your not gonna go back home to Hestia?" I question, raising an eyebrow. "No, cause for me it wouldn't just be simple day trip. If I went I would have to stay the whole week to catch up on my work load. Being Crown Prince is seriously becoming a pain in my ass" replied Ezra, groaning a little at the end. I let outa small chuckled at his words, "Aw, you poor thing. How hard it must be for you" I coo. Pinching his cheeks and pulling at them. Ezra glared at me whilst making various attempts at slapping my hands away but each time he failed.

After a few more minutes of my teasing I reluctantly let go his cheeks, a proud smirk on my face. Ezra, lets out small noises of pain, whilst he rubs his now sore and red cheeks. I feel a little bad, but not that much. It's entertaining to see him like this. Ezra's blue eyes lock onto my heterochromic ones, a smirk creeping its way on his face. "You've done it now, Athena" he warns. "Done what now hm?" I tease, leaning in close to him. My face only centimetres away from his. Ezra's smirk widen at my words, as he leans hi face closer to my mine. Our nose now brushing agaisnt one another's.

Feeling my face grow warm at this, I tried to pull away to put some distance between us. Scared he would hear the racing beats of my heart. The blonde male noticed this, and almost immediately wrapped an arm around the back of my waist. Pulling me closer to him, till both of our fronts where pressed against one another. I just stood there. Frozen. My cheeks turning the darkest shade of red. Ezra seemed to enjoy my flustered state, his eyes tarting at me with a certain look that just can't seem to put my finger on. The blue eyed male, leaned his face close in again. Not breaking eye contact with me for a single second.

If I move even a single inch our lips would touch, and I couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like. "Athena" calls Ezra, his hot breath fanning my face. "H-hm?" I stutter, not really trusting my self to speak words. Ezra's eyes pry away from mine and look down to my lips before looking back up. "Run" he grins. Almost like on command, I do. My body acting before my mind could think. Sprinting forward, all previous feelings of being flustered lost in the breeze zooming past me. All that was now left was the adrenaline ignited inside of me.

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