Chapter 6

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my world went black.

"Where the fuck am I?" I curse, looking around me in frenzy. Twirling around in circles but each time I was met with the same thing. White. Just plain white. I had just regained consciousness just a few minutes ago, to only find myself in the unknown place. Last remember, me and my friends were fighting agaisnt the Trix. We were able to successfully save Stella but in the process we lost her ring. Seeing as all of my friends had already collapsed or were on the verge of I used up the last bit of magic in me and teleported us back to Alfea.

"Don't tell me this is the after life" I gasp, an uneasy feeling in my stomach churning as scenarios of my death began to play in my head. "You're not dead sweetheart. just unconscious" chuckles an unfamiliar voice from behind. Alarmed by the sudden appearance of the new person I whip my head so I can see the back of me. There I saw the most beautiful women I have ever seen.

She had wavy black hair, that draped down to the middle of her back. Green eyes that held a sense of authority but also love. No idea as to how those two got together. There was also this weird sense of familiarity coming from this women. It may just be that cause she looks a lot like me that I think that. Or it might be something else, something bigger.

"Hello, Athena. It's been so long since I last saw you. Oh my, look at how you've grown. Turning out to be such a beautiful and strong women. It seems Saladin has done well" Smiles the lady, but a small hint of sadness lingering in her words. "W-who are you? And how do you know my dad?" I ask, still in my state of shock. "Who I am is not important right now. But you'll know soon my dear. Now is just no the right time. But just know, we'll be helping you every step of the way" said the lady, the smiles till on her face. As if on cue, two figures walked up beside her.

On her right was was man. With the darkest shade of black hair I have ever seen. With glowing green eyes, a few tattoos visible on his neck and forearms. On her left this time was a female. Luminescent red and orange hair. With piercing blue eyes. The two newly arrived people emitting a strong sense of power. It was very clear they were on a level beyond anything I could ever imagine. But what was puzzling me the most was as to how these three people knew me. How my own eyes were similar to there's. There was an obvious connection between the four of us but the question was what?

Who are those people? How do they know me? Why am I not scared nor on guard around them? Why does it feel like I've known these people my entre life? What the fuck is going on?

"We know you have a lot of questions for us, but now's not the time. You need to wake up and save your friends." says the black haired women, walking towards me. The other two however remained in their places, watching the two of us. The unknown women now stood a feet away from. She brought up her hands to my cheeks, cupping then in her palms. Usually I would pull away from a stranger touching me but this time I didn't. Something about this women brought comfort to me, her warmth feeling so familiar but I just can't seem to put my finger on it. "I love you my child, and remember mama is always with you. I always will be" she says pecking a long kiss on my forehead.

My eyes widened in realisation, just now figuring out who this women was. "M-Mum" I weakly muttered my worlds becoming black. The last thing I saw was her looking at me with tears in her eyes.

My eyelids flung open, a loud gasp escaping my lips. As I shoot up from the bed, I turn my head from side to side. Scanning the area I'm in, even pinching my arm multiple times to make sure I'm not some dream again. Confirming that this is the real world and that I'm alive, I let out a big sigh of relief. I was in the nurses office. Looking down to my lap, I noticed some white bandages wrapped around my stomach. Curious as to how bad my injuries where, I flung the hospital blanket off me. Placing my feet on the floor and pushing the rest of my body off the bed. I had expected myself to fall back down due to the severity of my injuries but to my surprise I could walk perfectly.

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