Chapter 2

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Fluttering my eyes open, I was immediately met with the morning sun. Groaning, I rubbed my eyes to sooth them of the pain and dragged myself out of bed. Entering the bathroom, I took a shower and brushed my teeth. Getting changed into my usual outfit and hair do. Walking out of the bathroom, I was finally able to get a good look of my old room. I was quite surprised to see everything as I had left it 2 years ago .Smiling at the memories I had in the room, Helia and I would always hang it in my room. I would be practicing a couple of my kicks whilst Helia would be laying down on my bed drawing. Sometimes I would even join him, I am not too bad if I say so myself. the two of us would play games, chase each other around when we were kids. It always landed us a scolding from Aunt but that didn't stop us at all.

After I had finished getting ready, I walked out of my room and was met with pin drop silence. Looking up at the clock hanging on the wall of the hallways I saw it was 7:25 am. Damn I woke up early today. Seeing this is as the perfect opportunity to surprise everyone, I quietly descend down the stairs. Letting out small winces when the wooden stairs would make small creaking sounds. Safely making it to the kitchen, I began to prepare a delicious breakfast. Honing the skills I got from living on my own on earth.

I decided to make my special, chocolate stuffed pancakes, strawberry crepes and iced coffee. Rolling up sleeves and putting on an apron and I got started on work.

About 40 minutes have passed, and thanks to the help of my magic I was able to finally all the food quickly. Everyone should be waking up right about now, before they all com down I should set the table. Grabbing the plate of crepes and Pancakes I set on the centre of the table, which also happens to be kitchen counter. So it was very much convenient in my case of which I don't have to walk along distance back and forth. I also placed down an iced coffee, at each respective seat.

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