Part 3: the club

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"Wait, WHAT?!" Lana almost screamed.

I sighed, "Bojan, the Slovenian guy, invited us to go out with him and other artists to explore the city."

She kicked the air and squealed. I raised my eyebrows.

She looked at me and said, "What? I'm excited. Let's get ready. We have to make you look good."

"Why?" I said, confused.

"Well, this Bojan guy clearly seems to like you," she wiggled her eyebrows.

Then I realised that I haven't had the time to think about how I act around him. I like him. But I don't know how much. Is it only the tension that's drawing me in, or do I actually want to get to know him better?

"Earth to Y/N?" Lana waved in front of my eyes.

"Sorry, what?" I looked at her.

"When do we have to be ready?"

"Oh...I don't know actually. I need to ask him," I pulled out my phone and searched for the number that he put in.

"Hey, it's Y/N. You never said when we should be ready for?"

Starring at the text, I waited for a minute. Then I got a reply.

"Oh yeah, hi. We will be waiting for you at 20:00 in the lobby."

"Okay, thanks :)"

Lana and I got ready. Lana talked me into wearing a dress even though I wasn't a big fan of wearing them. Five minutes to 8 in the evening, Lana and I were already standing in the lobby.

"Y/N!" I recognised his voice. I waved at him.

"Hi...everyone," I said when he and his bandmates were next to us.

"Y/N and Lana, meet Kris, Jan, Jure and Nace," he pointed at the guys while calling out their names. They each raised their hands while saying 'hi' or 'hello'.

"Nice to meet you guys." I smiled, "This is Lana, my best friend."

Lana smiled and said, "Nice to meet you."


I turned around and saw Diljá almost running towards us.

After a couple of minutes, all the invited artists seemed to have gathered in the lobby. When everyone said hello to each other, we started leaving the hotel. It seemed like we didn't really have a plan of where to go, and we were just exploring the city. After some walking, we stopped in front of what seemed like a bar or a club that was brightly lit. We all decided to go in.

The music was playing loudly, and people were dancing.

"I'm gonna go find a bathroom," Lana shouted into my ear, and I nodded.

I was looking around when his eyes and mine met. Bojan walked over to me.

"Can I buy you a drink?"

I laughed and hesitantly said, "Yeah...sure."

"Okay, then. Wait right here. I'll be right back," Bojan smiled and walked away.

After a minute, he was back with two drinks in his hands.

"Here you go."

I hesitantly took the drink from his hand and looked at it.

"What? Is something wrong?" Bojan looked at me, concerned.

"No, no. Thank you," I raised the drink at him, and took a sip.

"So, when are you leaving Barcelona?" he asked.

"The upcoming Wednesday," I took another sip.

"No way! Us too!"

We talked more and figured out that both of us are going to be flying to Warsaw on the same plane.

We then continued talking about each other and other stuff. On My Mind by Diplo started playing. When Bojan heard the song, he reached out his hand, inviting me to dance. I was hesitant a bit, but I took his hand. Holding my hand, he led me to the dance floor. I don't remember when was the last time I had this much fun while dancing with someone. At times, he would be dancing normally but at some moments, he would start dancing silly, making me laugh and smiling himself.

I laughed at a dance move he did and looked at him. He mouthed the song words "You stay on my mind, think about you all the time" while looking straight into my eyes. I didn't know how to react at that time, so I looked away but looked back at him. The song ended.

I didn't want to seem awkward, so I said, "I didn't know you were such a good dancer."

We both laughed.

"Wanna get one more drink?" Bojan took my hand.

I felt heat flood all over my body as a shiver went down my spine. He does something to me that I have never experienced before and can't even explain with words. But I think I like it.

"Y-y-yeah," I stuttered.

When we finished the drink, it was getting late. I texted Lana asking where she was since I haven't seen her for a long time. I saw her one more time after she told me she was going to find a bathroom. At that time, she was talking with one of the band members of Ireland's group. I got a text from her saying that she was already back at the hotel and that she was sorry she didn't tell me anything. Her excuse for not informing me was that I was "glued" to Bojan the whole time, and she didn't want to interrupt.

"Okay, I think I'm going to head back to the hotel," I said to Bojan placing an empty glass on the table.

"Want to walk back with me?" he said, and I was thrown off guard for a moment.

"Uh, no, no, no. I'll just get a taxi. I don't want to burden you," I blurted out.

"But you won't. Don't worry. I can assure you I'm not some creep. I just want to make sure you get back safe," he looked at me with eyes I couldn't figure out.

I fought with my overthinking for a bit and said, "Okay, let's go."

He smiled brightly and walked towards the exit while I followed him behind.

The walk back was nice. We talked about almost everything.

"So you mentioned that you covered Carpe Diem, no?" he said.

"Uh, yeah. I decided to cover it for the A Little Bit More series since I really liked the song," I looked at the ground.

"Mi bomo celo noč plesali," he started singing out of nowhere and pointed at me.

"You want me to sing?" I laughed nervously. He nodded. "Ljubili se in se igrali."

"Ah-ah," he started clapping to the song's beat.

I sang the rest of the chorus. When I finished, Bojan had this huge smile on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"I just can't wait to hear the whole thing."

Next thing I know, we were back at the hotel, and we got to our floor.

"Thank you for walking me back," I said.

"No problem. Anytime," he smiled. "This may seem weird but can I hug you?"

"Y-yeah, of course," I said, confused.

"Good night, Y/N."

It felt so good to hug him for some reason. I didn't want to let him go.

"Good night, Bojan." I said as I pulled away, "Bye."

"Bye," he said with a slight smile and walked off, as so did I.

Rendezvous | Bojan CvjetićaninWhere stories live. Discover now