Wukong: "Okay this priceless ancient mural is not going to destroy itself So remember: Step into the strike"

Just before MK could continue his 'Training" his phone started to ring and he said he had to go. I decided to stay with Wukong to spend time with him for a bit.

We decided to relax on the top of the mountain top and we started to bring up past memories that we enjoyed

(Y/n): "I still remember when you snuck me out of the celestial palace just so you could take me to see the fireworks in the mortal realm" I laughed at the memory

Wukong: "Yeah but it was worth it to see you smile while looking at the fireworks. you looked like a dummy" He mocked

(Y/n): "Yea but you looked more of a dummy when I kissed you" I teased back

Wukong blushed at the memory funny enough that was our first of many kisses we would have. In my mind he risked being caught just for me to enjoy one good night of freedom from boring celestal work.

We spent the rest of the day talking until the sun started to set Wukong offered to take me back but I declined and wanted to take a quick stroll.

Quick Time Skip

Your POV
It was already dark when I reached to the city my appartemnt was another 15 minutes away but I probably won't fall asleep once I get there. Just then I was passing by a old theater type building that looked like it was still open and a show was about to start soon.

(Y/n): "I have time so why not" I said to myself as I enter the theater

I bought my ticked and looked at which room to go in and what seat until I noticed the title of the show 'The tragic story of The Warrior, The Hero, And The Celestial Maiden'

(Y/n): 'So this story will be about me and i'm guessing it's also aboout Macaque and Wukong....Oh how I miss Macaque he always enjoyed the theatrical arts it was acually the first date we ever went on too

Putting my thoughts to the side I go into the theater room and take a seat at the front row. I looked around and notice it was just me then again it is almost late so people are probably home with families and loved ones...Then the lights go dim and the curtians open revealing a man in a black cloak with his hood up covering his face.

Hooded Man: "Come close and listen to the Tale of The Warrior, The Hero, and The Celestial Maiden and how they fell in love and how it all went down due to the Hero's selfish desires"

The hooded man took out a familiar lanturn and then it plays shadows of each character which consisted of The Hero, The Warrior, and The Celestial Madien.

Hooded Man: "Long ago the Warrior, the Hero, and the Maiden lived in perfect harmony. However both the Warrior and the Hero fell for the beautiful maiden and hence began their battle to earn her love" The hooded person says showing each scene with shadows.

Hooded Man: "Eventually the Celestial Realm took the Maiden away from the Warrior and the Hero never to bee seen again until years later in battle"

Hooded Man: "The battle between the brotherhood and the celestial realm was brutal but the Warrior and the Hero saw the Maiden and pleaded for her to come back to them...She refused and the brotherhood admitted defeat."

Hooded Man: "Later on the Hero joined the Maiden on a special journey towards the west and even with the Maiden disagreement of the Hero joining their journey she eventually let it go. On their journey they became closer and fell in love." The Hooded man said in a annoyed tone

Hooded Man: "However one day the Hero consumed an immortal peach and he became immortal being unfortunately he could not die along with his group. One by one his friends died until the Maiden remained so in fear of being alone in this world he cornered the Maiden and forced her to each a immortal peach making her immortal as well"

Hooded Man: "In her mourning state the Maiden went to seek her old friend the warrior who after explaining what happened opened his loving arms to her and they spent the night. However the next day when the warrior woke up the Maiden was gone and was never heard from again. To this day no one knows where the maiden has gone to or if she's even alive but one thing we do know was that her story will always live on in our hearts"

The Hooded Man ended his play by turning off his lamp making the room dark for a second until the lights turned on.

I clapped my hands and that made the Hooded Man look up at me not expecting someone to be here.

Hooded Man: "Hello madam did you enjoy the show?" he asked

(Y/n): "It was an interesting story I'm surprised that you were able to know that story I don't recall if it's in any books I've read" I said which was true I do read my own tales.

Hooded Man: "Well you can say those stories make me feel like I was really there. What is your name?" he said smiling

(Y/n): "My name is (Y/n) and may I ask yours?" I said

Hooded Man: "You can call me Mac for now I guess we were both named after the Warrior and the Maiden maybe it's fate" He smirked

(Y/n): "Maybe so however I must be going home it's getting pretty late" I said standing up and started to walk to the exit before I heard Mac spoke out to me

Mac: "Do you think you will come back for another show?" He asked

(Y/n): "You know what sure if I have time I'll come to another show" I said and wished him a good night and left the theater heading home.

Macaque's POV

After (Y/n) left I took off my hood and smiled knowing I've confirmed this (Y/n) is MY (Y/n) and now I can start my plan on making her mine and make sure that Wukong never touches her again.

Macaque: "I think it's time for the grand finale where the Warrior gets the Maiden and live HAPPILY EVER AFTER

Your POV

leaving the theater you finally arrived to your apartment feeling a bit skeptical about the play. It made you wonder the real reason he knows that much of our story. But it feels like a tomorrow problem so you changed into your comfy pajamas and went to bed not knowing someone followed you inside your home.

??? POV

When noticing (Y/N) was now in a deep sleep I used my shadow transportation to get inside of the apartment.

???: "I see she's been doing okay alone" I mumbled walking around

I noticed a picture frame of her and a smaller kid. I picked up the photo and just stared at it.

???: "Don't worry my love we'll be a family together soon" I said caressing the picture of her  and I set the photo down back to where it was.

I walked around the apartment more looking for a specific room and then I found it and opened it silently. There laid my beautiful forever sleeping peacefully

???: "And here I thought she couldn't look anymore beautiful" I whispered.

I softly brushed a bit of hair out of her face and leaned in close to her face and planted a soft kiss on her lips. Soon I pulled back and brought out a necklace from my pocket

???: "I'm sorry plum I hope you forgive me for this but we deserve each other and I'm not letting him get in the way again" I mumbled as I placed the necklace around her neck

she started shuffling and I knew that was my cue to leave so I made a portal and left her apartment blending into the shadows

???: Until we come face to face love~

𝘔𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘐𝘯 𝘈𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘓𝘪𝘧𝘦? (Macaque x Reader X Wukong)Where stories live. Discover now