*¬*Chapter Twenty Six*¬*

Start from the beginning

"Sometimes, but this voice was old. Ancient. Like it's been sleeping for decades and wants to wake up. I think my presence has woken it, now I just have to figure out where it is and set it free."

Just saying the words out loud sounds ridiculous but deep in my gut I know it's true. Kaz, Ryder, Raven, and Fin come to stand next to me; their faces grave and filled with uncertainty but also determination at the task ahead. We stare into the hollowed passage before us not sure what sorts of traps await us.

But I know. I've seen this place before. I've walked these corridors with Myra in my visions. We'll be safe. Or I will at least.

They each take a step forward, aiming for the door. I do the same. However, while I'm able to pass through the entrance, Kaz and the others cannot. "Thea, wait." I frown then turn around to face them, "What is it?" "We can't get through. There must be some sort of spell prohibiting anyone without Alinac blood to enter. This must have been done to keep my great, great, great grandfather away. Which means, neither myself nor my brother could have got in here."

It gives me a small hope, that Augustus couldn't get in here regardless of having my blood direct him here or not. My blood.

The thought strikes me. "Kaz, what if I gave you some of my blood?" He frowns, "I don't follow." "Well it's my blood that opens the doors, my blood that allows me inside. What if I gave you a drop of my blood, maybe it will let you in. To help me with this task."

Kaz smiles softly at me, "As much as I hate the thought of letting you out of my sight after just finding you, I know that this needs to be done by you. You alone have to find the crown and keep it safe. I cannot know of its whereabouts." He doesn't have to say the rest of that sentence. It's written on his face. He can't know in case he gets captured and asked for information by his brother or his followers.

I nod, letting out a sigh before turning to the dark path before me. This way Warrior Blood that voice whispers to me. Guiding me down the path and along dirt floors that haven't seen light in decades. Maybe even centuries. The air is cooler in here, sending goosebumps along my skin but I keep pushing forward trying to remember which way I went with Myra.

It's too dark in here to see. I close my eyes and call up a small ball of magic to light within my palm. When I open my eyes, I see the light against my skin, illuminating the way for me a few steps at a time.

It's not what I was hoping for, but it'll do for now. Step after step, I plunge deeper into the tomb, trying to understand how there's so many doors and passages down here. It's making my head hurt. How will I ever know which one to choose?

This way Warrior Blood, I can hear you.

That voice whispers to me in the darkness. I shiver again, suddenly unnerved by it all. But I keep pushing forward, this is important. It needs to be done. I've walked for another tense minute when I pass by a door on my left and hear a whispered, In here.

Pausing I turn to the door. It's nothing fancy, just a simple wooden door with no lock or handle to open it. There seems to be a pattern here.

Assuming that this must be the door to the room in which she placed the crown, I re-slit my palm and place it against the door. Waiting for my blood to work. Nothing.

There's silence echoing all around me. I frown and remove my hand. Trying again, I place it in the center of the door this time.

Still nothing.

"What the hell? Why isn't it working?"

Did you find it yet? Kaz's voice whispers to me from far away. Frustrated I reply, yes, but the door won't open. My blood won't open it. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

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