"Woah woah easy there, that's Mary, one of Demi's best dancers, she's also Demi's favorite" he smirked as if he was doing this to make me feel more jealous which was working "They're I guess you can say close, I mean they eat together, Mary gets her coffee at times in the morning. She's pretty great" I looked back at them only to see Demi basically grinding on Mary and Mary having her hands on Demi's hips trying to pull her closer to her. I was more than happy when I heard that the song was over and I saw Demi walking over to me with a wide smile on her face. She sat on my lap putting her arms around me

"How was I?" She said

"You were good love, although I just thought you were too close to your little friend over there" I said bringing up the fact that arhat girl basically had her hands all over her

"Naya stop being jealous" she slapped me playfully on my arm "If you didn't want to see that then you should've just accepted to dance with me" she said with a smug smile on her face.

"Well I didn't know you were going to be grinding all over that girl!" I practically shouted

"That girl has a name, and her name is Mary"

"Yeah I heard" I mumbled making her look at me

"You're just jealous"

"Am not"

"Are too"

"Am not!"

"Are too!" She sticked her tongue out and got off of my lap "Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go dance with Mary since she's the only one that's willing to dance with me. Although I would think my girlfriend dances ten times better than her but I guess not" she walked away whispering something in that girl Mary's ear before going off to the dance floor again

"Just dance with her" he chuckled "I have to leave already, so I'll see you next time Naya. Don't have too much fun" he winked at me "and at least get one dance with her to show Mary that Demi's yours and she'll most likely always will be yours" he said "Goodnight Naya"

Once he left I stared at Demi and that girl dance practically the whole night until around 12 am when Demi came back with Mary

"Naya this is Mary, Mary this is my girlfriend Naya" Demi said introducing us

"Nice to meet you" she said holding out her hand although I didn't take it

"Whatever" I mumbled staring ahead at the dance floor where people were dancing

"Naya..." I heard Demi say as she sat next to me "Um Mary do you mind" I saw Mary roll her eyes at me before leaving from my sight "Naya what's up? Why are you acting so cold towards my friend?"

"Demi...She was practically dry humping you on the dance floor" I told her

"You're right about that. She doesn't know how to dance"

"Then why did you keep dancing with her?!" I basically yelled out

"I could see you staring at us the whole night, and let me tell you it was quiet funny seeing you jealous" she giggled

"I told you I wasn't jealous"

"You're such a liar Naya" she chuckled "Now if you excuse me I'm going to dance with her some more since apparently you don't mind right?" She asked innocently

"I do mind actually" I simply said before getting up and dragging Demi with me to the dance floor "So now tell me Demi, how exactly do you dance?" She chuckled rolling he eyes playfully. We danced for a while and I saw Mary staring at us making me smirk

"What are you smirking at?" Demi asked

"Nothing" I said leaning down to kiss her lips

"Lies" she mumbled against my lips as her hands gripped the back of my neck pretty tight "Is it Mary?" I shrugged glancing at Mary who wasn't staring at the time "It is Naya?" She put her hand on my cheek slowly "I'm yours and only yours" She leaned in and started kissing me, I felt her hands start roaming in my hair and I felt myself let out a small moan as she bit my lip

"Babe" I let out as I felt her lips go down the side of my neck slowly "Not now" I told her and she stepped back

"Sorry" she said looking down "I'm sorry Naya I just thought you know, you wanted it"

"Demi, we're in the middle of a dance floor, although fucking in the dance floor would be pretty hot, I want our first time to be romantic and not just us being drunk" she smiled slightly before slipping her hand into mine as we went back to our table

"You're so cute" she mumbled as she leaned her head on my shoulder

"And you're beautiful" I told her looking down at her making her smile. I saw her let out a quiet yawn making me giggle, she sounded like a puppy squealing "You want to leave already?" She nodded against my shoulder. I got up and put my arm around her shoulder as I passed by Mary and I saw the annoyance look on her face making me smirk.

Mission accomplished.


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