Just the first move

Oh, his heart was pounding out of fear because they were unarmed and obviously surrounded by armed enemies in an enclosed space but fear was good. It means his agrenalin is pumping the right amount.

Just the first move.

He watched.

One of the guest stood up wanting to leave but the suit man in front of his round table put a hand on his shoulders to stop but the guest was not sitting back down. Obviously he isn't the only person noticing the scenario. Another table stood up and another.

That was the clue.

He signaled Jimin to stand up.

Immediately sat up one of the suit men pulled out a gun at him which was swiftly disarmed by Jungkook and he threw the gun to Jimin to arm himself but of the course the others didn't give them time and also pulled out all their guns at them ready to fire.

Jungkook stood up with his hands in the air with a menaic smile in his face. The room is now already in an uproar seeing Jungkook under gun point.

The person pointing a gun at him nervously looked away at the crowd to which Jungkook took the opportunity, using all his strength to kick their heavy table against them causing the three enemies in front to stumble over lowering their gun for a second.

"Now!" He yelled out to his own men and pulled jimin running towards the glass overseeing the city. He picked one of the strong chairs and hit it twice bit it didn't budge much but cracked with a gun shot from Jimin, breaking into piece at several shot.

Gun shots were already going off all over the room as the guest try to run to the door or safety while others fought for their life.

Jungkook looked down to see it was really far down to jump onto the pool. Jimin gave him cover as he looked for a way to get down. He dragged the curtains hanging up and tied two and three together. He was really fast all this was happiness within seconds, minutes.

He couldn't find any solid place to secure one end. He frantically looked around but nothing, the closest pool was too far and would cause the curtain to be shorten. He quickly tied one end of the curtain securely around jimins waist.

"What are you doing?" Jimin asked scared.

He looked up to see his few men blocking them and holding off the people shooting towards them. He is sorry he has to use them to shield and hope they make it out alive.

"Let's go. I will give you support...." He said but dodge when a bullet came flying towards them and hitting a glass just by their side.

"No time!" He yelled, pulling Jimin to the opening.

"Wait. What is the plan?" Jimin asked looking scared of what his psycho of a friend is wanting to do.

Another gun shot came their way and another, he looked back to see they have broken through their defense wall. He pushed a table over to give them some sort of shield away from the bullets.

"Jump." He instructed Jimin.


"We don't have time for this. Fucking jump!"

"I am not! Until you tell me what is the plan"

Jungkook didn't have time for an explaination "Brace yourself!" He warned and pushed the older out. He could hear Jimin yell as he fell off the building and just braced himself for the pull.

He grabbed on and within few seconds the pull came. He groan at the force but was able to hold on

"Fuck!" He cursed at the weight and patiently waited for the it to lessen and as he expected Jimin started swinging to break through a glass of another floor and soon the weight was completely gone.

He waited a little ready to go for a jump. He checked the gun he took from Jimin before pushing him and saw it had few bullets.

Deciding to go for it, stood up half way to make a run to the opening he needed a good speed to be able to land in the pool but unfortunately his view was blocked by three person. He opened fire at them and shot one point blank causing that one to land on the floor dead but the other two opened fire at him as well.

Their shot were to kill. Fuck.

He ran the opposite direction, shooting his way through. Heading for a single door away from where the crowd was rushing to.

An enemy suddenly blocked him and he wasn't quick enough to dodge the bullet but luckily he was quick to move enough to move his chest causing the bullet to pierce his left shoulder.

He groaned but ran into the the person that shot him and wasted his remaining bulleted in his brain. He threw his now empty gun away and armed himself with the now dead man's hand gun.

And the stars been on his side the door open with a few shot at the lock. And found himself in front of a stairs only leading upstairs. Which he dashed for, he tucked the gun on his waist removing his suit jacket to see the seriously bleeding shoulder.

He sighed trying to blocked out the pain. He pulled out his shirt from his waist belt and tore a long string around to help him tie the shoulders but he heard the sound of people running into the staircase.

"There he is!." He heard and sounds of gun shots directed towards him was heard next causing him to stand up pulling out his gun and shooting back while taking the flight of stairs.

Unfortunately he was leaving a trail of his blood as he ran.



See you next chapter.

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