Wildly Inappropriate

Start from the beginning

"i got taken out of the routine" i sigh

"what why?" Maddie asks

"mom didn't want her in it" Chloe says

"oh..i thought you looked great" Paige says

"Miss Abby thought that too but i don't know" i shrug

the other girls go in and then we get out of our costumes

i go to a few classes before we get to go home

mommy helps me get ready for bed and i think she goes through Chloe's solo after

|Two Days To Competition|

we get to the studio and i only have classes as i'm not in any numbers this week

after a few hours my classes are over and i go to sit with mommy up in dance jail

"oh my god im so stressed out, i have so much to do at home." mommy says

"how do you guys get your housework done?" Cathy, a new mom asks

"i don't like i'm trying to get home before my husband because there's cheeros all over my kitchen and i need to sweep real quick and vacuum and i need to fold up my laundry and pack for tomorrow" mommy says

"i need to cook dinner for my kids..i have laundry everywhere." mommy says

mommy takes me down stairs and i get my dance stuff together and mommy gets Clara's stuff together

"it'll get done" Kelly says

"when" mommy says as she starts to cry

"you're gonna have to get sleep on the bus" Kelly says

"like this little babys been out since who knows what time this morning and" mommy says

"she's fine" Kelly says

"no she's not, she needs to go home and eat dinner and not just that i need to go home." mommy says

Chloe takes my hand and we follow mommy out to the front desk

"Abby i need to know what's going on with Chloe's dance cause we can't stay until nine o'clock tonight, we haven't been home since eight this morning." mommy says

"Matt needs her for tap" Abby says

"but she's going to dance till, she's a little girl seven hours of dance is a lot" mommy says

"then don't audition for any broadway shows because you'll be working twelve hours a day" Abby says

"she can sleep on the bus for five hours..what do you wanna do?" Abby asks

"i have to get ready for the morning tomorrow and" Chloe starts

"a ton of homework" mommy says

"a ton of homework and i have to go to bed early" Chloe says

"if you wanna leave, leave" Abby says

we then go out to the car and mommy puts our stuff in the trunk

"i know we were supposed to come home early but you have to finish your solo" mommy says

"but it's finished we just need to fix a part" Chloe says

"i know but it's an hour and i'll come back and get you okay?" mommy says and she hugs Chloe

"i know Chlo i'm sorry, if you wanna go home you can but we should probably pull your solo okay? i know i promised you and im so sorry" mommy says

mommy sends Chloe back in

"let's go Cami" mommy says and she helps me in the car and we go home.

|Competition Day|

we arrive at the studio very early and mommy helps me get my stuff to the bus

Abby drives into the parking lot and Kelly laughs

"check out her hair" Kelly laughs

"hi girls" Abby waves

"nice hair!" Maddie laughs

we get on the bus and i sit beside Kenzie

me and Kenzie watch movies and Abby yells at the bus driver a lot
and then Maddie and Chloe have to get ready on the bus

we soon arrive at the competition and it's a huge rush

we go backstage with Chloe for her solo

Chloe enters the stage and i really like her solo
I hope i'm like Chloe when i'm older she's a great dancer.

i give Chloe a hug when she exits the stage and we go find mommy

"good job, watch your feet i know we worked on that to the floor the new part when you walk out otherwise i thought it was good, and Maddie we wanna get her ready" Abby says

we go backstage for Maddies solo
and she enters the stage, Maddie is also a very good dancer
Maddie finishes her dance and she exits the stage

we go find the moms and Abby hugs Maddie

|Solo Awards|
both Maddie and Chloe won their age categories
but Maddie was entered for a title so she got a crown!

we go the dressing room and the girls get ready for the group routine and Vivi and Kenzie get ready for their duet

Kenzie and Vivi do their duet and they are cute but i wish i was in it just so i was dancing this week

the girls then finish getting ready for the group routine
and i still wish i was in the dance

i go to the audience with mommy to watch the group routine

the girls enter for the routine and i still really like it
but i look around and no one seems to like it..
the girls finish the routine and i clap for them

|Group Awards|

the group routine didn't place at all..

we go to the lobby and meet with the girls

"the dance was a little inappropriate" Nia says

"you took the words right out of my mouth Nia" mommy says

Abby comes out and she just seems disappointed in the girls, she sends us up to the dressing room
and Kelly takes my hand while mommy and Holly talk to Abby.

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