Slytherin Party Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Everyone is almost here! That leaves...hey! Where's Millicent and Blaise???" Pansy asked Draco.

Draco had noticed lately those 2 had avoided him and Pansy, getting irritated that they refused to make up. "I'll go look for them, can't be far on a Friday night hmm?" He walked out the front of the common room.

Ron snuck off from Harry, Neville and Seamus, following Theodore up the dorm spiral staircase.

Theodore was trying to find the spinning bottle from Harry's previous party, remembering he kept it. "Where the hell is that stupid thing?!" He checked the closet, digging through some of the boxes he and Pansy hid.

Ron had never been in the 8th year dormitory before, in awe at all the fancy accents and decorations. "Nott?" He called out, winding up in the open doorway of the closet. "Whatchu lookin for?"

Theodore bumped his head in surprise. "Ahh! What are you doing up here weasel?!" He rudely sniped, not liking being spooked.

Ron scowled slightly. "Looking for you, what are you doing in here? The party is starting." He came into the closet, taking his wand out. "Something I can help you find?"

"The blue bottle from Potter's party, the one that spins and points!" Theodore rifled through a larger box in the very back, only finding potions and candy.

"Accio enchanted bottle!" Ron waved his wand over the corners of the closet.

A tiny bottle flew into Ron's hand. "Oh? Well that's why, it's so tiny no wonder you couldn't find it." He unshrunk it.

"Give it here, let's bring it downstairs." Theodore held his hand out, coming up to Ron.

Ron noticed the blush on Theodore's face, smirking at him. "Not just yet, we still have the matter of our little exchange, what are you gonna give me for it?" He waved the bottle teasingly.

Theodore's face worsened. "Give me the damn bottle weasel!"

Ron shook his head with a glare. "Nope! How about something easy? A kiss for the bottle? It only seems appropriate since that's what it's for."

"I'm not bloody kissing you!" Theodore snapped, looking very embarrassed and affronted.

"You owe me! You throat fucked me in a dirty broom closet! We got detention and I made you promise to pay back the favor." Ron advanced on Theodore a bit, watching him back up further.

Theodore pressed his back against the closet, slightly hidden in random coats and sweatshirts. "Stay away from me you filthy Gryffindor!"

Ron was unaffected. "You're not leaving this closet or getting the bottle without kissing me, what's it gonna be Nott?" He rubbed the spout of the bottle rudely against Theodore's crotch.

Theodore glared fiercely. "Fine! Get it over with we're keeping everyone waiting!"

Ron grinned, taking Theodore by the back of his neck.

Theodore curled his lip in disgust, doing everything he could to keep himself guarded. Theodore was not an affectionate person, especially not with a Gryffindor.

Ron leaned in, pressing his lips to Theodore's hardened scowl. He felt him stiffen, wanting to make his grouchy mood melt away.

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