Marayae followed Jania, feeling a mix of emotions. She was scared, but also determined to help Dayvon. She knew that she had a lot to learn, but she was ready to do whatever it took to save his life.

As they entered the room, Marayae glanced over at Dayvon, who appeared completely unharmed as he lay in his hospital bed.

"Oh there you go lil folks nem" Von addressed Marayae with a smile.

Confusion spread across Marayae's face as she looked at Jania. "What's going on?" Marayae asked, her expression conveying both bewilderment and concern.

"He told me he'd get me killed if I didn't find a way to bring you here" she rushed out with her hands in surrender.

Marayae looked at Jania in disbelief. She knew she suffered from panic and anxiety attacks.

"Omg, you had me thinking it was something serious," Marayae exclaimed, her voice filled with relief. "You know you can't play with me like that." She quickly reached into her purse, retrieving her inhaler and taking two puffs from it.

"Don't blame me, blame him" Jania retorted, pointing directly at Von. "He is the one who threatened me."

Marayae's concern deepened, and she put her attention on Von "Why are you threatening people?"

"Cause that one bitch they had in here was mean as hell" Von replied with a mug on his face, remembering how rude and unprofessional the lady was.

Marayae sat down on the end of von's bed and tried to reassure him. "You know you didn't have to do all that. I would've came if you needed me."

Jania noticed that Marayae and Dayvon were having a conversation and decided to leave the room. "Well, excuse me. I have a patient who needs me" she said.

"Why you care so much?" Dayvon asked Marayae, really wanting to know. He never seen someone who pushed themselves like her.

"Huh?" Marayae didn't understand what he meant.

"Why yo lil ass care so much? You just had a panic attack over a nigga and shit" he said in a confrontational tone.

"I can't care for you?" Marayae asked, feeling confused.

"I'm not saying that. I just haven't seen anyone go so hard for somebody they don't even know" Von replied, shrugging.

"Well, maybe that's because you don't know everyone's past history" Marayae said, trying to explain her perspective.

"Trust me, I've been through way more shit than you, shorty" Von replied, sounding dismissive.

"Fuck you" Marayae said getting up, feeling disrespected.

"See why you gotta do all that?" Von asked, licking his bottom lip as he looked her up and down. He noticed how pretty she looked today. Normally, she wore her scrubs when she was around him, but today she looked real nice.

"You know what, you're right" Marayae said, deciding to let it go. "How are you feeling right now? Are you alright? Because if it's not anything wrong, I can leave."

"Why you gotta leave?" Von asked, not wanting Marayae to go. The whole purpose of the lie was to get her to stay and if she doesn't stay, he was going to take it up with Jania.

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