3) Power Of Isekai

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Finn relaxed as he somehow had managed to slip past the kitsune that was hellbent on being with him. He did not know what she wanted from him, or why she was calling him her 'apprentice.'

Somehow, she managed to track him down to the station and messed with the station's electronics to slow him down. However, Finn was quicker as he made it through before the station's platform closed.

He did not want to think of what would have happened if she had succeeded in capturing him.

'I should call mom about this!" He felt genuinely afraid "She would know what to do about this!'

He would have called his mother while on the train, but there was an unspoken universal rule that no one was to use their phones, play music, or talk loudly while on public transport. It was a great way of earning the scorn and disapproval of those sharing the public place.

The train stopped at Universal City Station as he heard about this place being a city within a city. It had its own skyscrapers and upscale hotels. There were many stores that sold trinkets and gifts to commemorate the occasion. All these amenities were to attract the visitors and guests to the Universal Studio's theme park. He always wanted to visit this place when he was just a child, but his parents were against amusement parks, citing them as overpriced tourist traps.

When the train rolled into the station, there were many concerned voices noting that for some odd reason, the power had gone out and the normally busy train station had dropped its metallic gates, preventing anyone from entering. The whole station was shut down as the train came to a complete stop, it too losing power.

'We apologize for the inconvenience, the JR Yumesaki Line is temporarily offline due to mechanical difficulties. All passengers please disembark the train. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience that this might have caused.'

Finn, along with the other passengers, stepped off the train as the station was empty and dark. The escalators had stopped working, and the platform lights had gone dark. The passengers disembarking was in the hundreds as Finn walked in a flood of mainly Asian tourists and a few out-of-the-country gaijins, like himself.

One thing that he knew about Japan was that mechanical and technical difficulties—though do happen from time to time—rarely happen. There was a sense of pride and honor in doing one's job correctly, and failure was just not an option here.

Yet, with the train dead on the track, the station out of power, and a sense of impending doom in the air...something inside Finn told him to be on high alert.

The flow of the crowd was directed by the station security as 'situations' seem to arise and reroute the flow to a specific path that caused the stampede to narrow to a single file march through a narrow corridor.

For Finn, the closeness of the mob had made him panic as he did not do well in tight crowds or dense cities. He got out of the line, waiting for the madness to pass on by, on the sideline. He was blessed that the security had not pressured him into jumping back into the chaos as he and a few gaijin families waited for the madness to file out, and then with the shout of the officer...

"Ugokimasu" he said harshly as the gaijin families near Finn seemed confused as to what the officer was saying.

"I don't understand." said the wife to her concerned husband as they sheltered their three scared children.

"He is asking us to move." Finn softly and kindly translated 'Though harshly.' he mentally noted.

"Oh! Thank you, sir!" said the mother as she nodded, directing her family to do what the officer was ordering them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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