Chapter 11 • Coffee Date

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July 7, 1993, 3rd person POV.

Richie had biked over to Bill's house every single day since what happened. Mainly to visit Eddie, but was always delighted to see Bill.
Richie wants alone time with just him and Eddie, his best friend and him, but Bill was always there, which he had no problem with, but he wanted to be alone with Eddie, not alone with Eddie and Bill.

Yesterday, July 6th, Richie have Bill a call, asking him the following:

• When he can hang out with Eddie alone
•If there are any ideas to do when they hang out
• What day would work best for Richie to steal Eddie for a day?
• Is Eddie feeling any better, from the fall
• Can he come over right now and see Eddie
• Can Bill help him plan a surprise hangout with Eddie

All that, and more, but you get the gist of how the whole phone call would've gone, Bill replying with simple answers, telling him times of when Eddie was free, (which was, like, every day) or what type of things he likes. One thing that Bill had said caught Richies attention. Bill told Richie how much Eddie enjoys reading, and simply spending time at the library.After hearing this, Richie remembered something Eddie had told him the day they first met. Something that Richie was never able to get out of his head, like it was a useful piece of information that you'd remember for extra credit in a test. This goes back to the day they met. On the beach, walking, venting, joking, crying.

June 7, 1993

"So, Ed's, what do you like to do around town? I don't know many places, maybe you could show me around sometime?"

"Yeah! I'd do that. My favorite thing to do is go to the library, check out a book, go to the market to get a snack then go sit on the swings in the park and read for hours at a time. My mom gets mad but i don't care, reading makes me happy, makes me forget about the world around me, how messed up it is. How messed up I am."

Richie paused. He was standing, his ankles in the water, he felt terrible that his new friend feels like this about himself. When Richie stopped, that caused Eddie to stop. Eddie's dark brown eyes had been tearing up. "It's because of the wind" he said when Richie asked about it.

Before thinking twice, Richie grabs Eddie and pulls him into a long, warm hug. Eddie knew it was coming, so he wasn't caught completely off guard.

Back in present time..

Richie smiled at the bittersweet memory, as he thought of an awesome date, wait no- he meant hangout idea for the two of them, alone, together. Richie went to go try and execute the plan, calling Bill, telling him, and asking Emma for the keys for the car she drove.

Richies POV

"Emma, can I borrow your car for the rest of the day? I don't really know what time I'll be back.." I asked hesitantly, hoping she'd give in.

"Why? Going on a date?" Emma wiggled her eyebrows at me, trying to get me to tell her.

"Nope, me and Eddie are hanging out today, but it's a surprise and only Bill knows, I'm going to take him to the library, he can pick out his favorite book, then we'll go to the farmers market, get a couple of things and go to the park and have a picnic, by the swings."

"God, just propose to him while your at it." She scoffed, which made me turn red, I tried to cover it up, but I was unsuccessful.

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