Chapter 5 - Birthday (Pt. 1)

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"It's a stupid idea."

"Don't be a killjoy, Xander. It's a tradition. Join in, or go back to sleep."

"A tradition happens every year, dumbass."

As the veil of sleep lifted, I gradually became aware of the murmur of hushed voices. The familiar tones of my twin brothers, Cole and Xander, reached my ears. Stirring from my slumber, I tried to piece together their conversation, like fragments of a puzzle.

"And it did, when she was a kid," Cole defended.

"When she was three, with Mum and Dad. She's thirteen now," Xander responded, his skepticism palpable.

"Don't tell me you're worried Mason's going to get angry?"

Curiosity awakened within me as I lay there, half-awake, attempting to unravel their cryptic discussion. The fog of drowsiness clung to my mind as I struggled to make sense of their words.

Xander let out a scoff, his disdain echoing in the tranquility of the room. "Whatever. Just keep her quiet so she doesn't wake up the house. I'll start the car."

Footsteps echoed, followed by the soft click of a door closing, drawing me further from my slumber. With the more volatile of my brothers out of sight, I felt a flicker of comfort, emboldening me to reveal myself. Slowly, I allowed my eyelids to flutter open, revealing the familiar surroundings of my bedroom, bathed in the ethereal glow of soft pre-dawn light. What time was it?

From the corner of my half-closed eyes, I watched as Cole approached my bed, his silhouette taking shape in the dim light. In one fluid motion, he leaned over me, clutching what appeared to be a large blanket.

"Cole?" I called out, my instinct tinged with a touch of panic, though deep down, I knew I could trust him. I couldn't fathom what he had in mind.

"Oh, you're awake," he said, a mischievous smile playing at the corners of his lips, his actions unhindered by my half-hearted attempts to stop him. Swiftly, he rolled me over and enveloped me in the warm, snug embrace of the blanket, transforming me into a lifesize, human burrito.

"Cole, what are you doing?" My words slurred with sleep, confusion intertwining with my dawning consciousness. My arms flailed weakly, ensnared within the folds of the blanket.

"Shh, back to sleep," he whispered, his voice a gentle murmur.

I continued my attempts to bat at his arms. "I can't go back to sleep! You're kidnapping me!" I half-teased, half-protested, my mind still on edge from a similar, not-so-innocent, occurrence less than twenty-four hours ago.

He slapped his hand quickly over my mouth, a mischievous smile taking over his lips.

Cole swiftly placed a hand over my mouth, his grin widening. "Shh, stay quiet," he urged, hoisting me into his arms. "Besides, we're birthday kidnapping you, so it doesn't count," he explained with that warped sense of rationality I imagined only siblings possessed.

He descended the stairs, his steps nearly soundless, and as he did, my mind gradually caught up with the situation.

Confusion clouded my thoughts, and I couldn't help but inquire further, "Birthday kidnapping? Whose birthday is it?"

Cole paused on a step, tilting his head to the side. "I didn't think the concussion affected your memory that much," he teased, a playful grin tugging at his lips.

Caught off guard, I queried, "What?"

His smirk dropped as he realised my genuine confusion. "You really don't know?" he asked, his voice tinged with incredulity.

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