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This the rewrite of 'Their Sister, Their Strength'  which remains on my profile, originally written from 2019-21. You'll notice that despite the same characters and world, there are several key differences in this new re-write. Hopefully you'll agree for the better! This is inspired by werkapisze's Rodzina Monet which I'd highly recommend to read if you haven't already.

When thirteen-year-old Maddie's world is shattered by her mother's sudden death, she discovers the existence of six older brothers she was separated from at the age of three. As she grapples with the unravelling of her once-familiar life, her brothers strive to protect her from lurking dangers. Amidst a dangerous terrain rife with secrets and threats, Maddie draws strength in the unbreakable bond of family as she navigates the shadows of her past to forge a new future.

Below you'll find character profiles for Maddie and her six brothers. There of course will be more characters featured in the book, not mentioned below. I'm currently updating the old aesthetics.

Madison Costello (13):
Maddie is a resilient girl with a gentle soul. Despite the devastating death of her mother, she retains an unwavering strength, innocence and kind-hearted spirit. As her once-familiar world unravels to expose a web of lies, she plunges into a life of deceit and threats. Desperate to reconnect with the older brothers she was tragically separated from a decade ago, Maddie confronts the intricate dynamics of siblings who have been conditioned to view love as weakness.

 Desperate to reconnect with the older brothers she was tragically separated from a decade ago, Maddie confronts the intricate dynamics of siblings who have been conditioned to view love as weakness

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Mason Costello (27):
The eldest sibling, Mason commands respect and fear in the world of organized crime, exuding authority and intimidation. Scarred by the past loss of Maddie, he adopts a hardened belief that love is weakness. However, Maddie's reappearance and unwavering strength inspires him to challenge his convictions. Caught between his deep love for her and the protection he must provide, he wrestles a precarious dual existence as leader and guardian.

Elijah Costello (26):Balancing compassion and protectiveness, Elijah embraces his role as Maddie's brother with unwavering love and support

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Elijah Costello (26):
Balancing compassion and protectiveness, Elijah embraces his role as Maddie's brother with unwavering love and support. As Mason's trusted right-hand man, he possesses the ability to act as a bridge and soften the rough edges of his older brother. While a comforting presence within the family, there lies a deep-rooted ruthlessness driven by unyielding loyalty when it comes to protecting his family. Elijah's gentle guidance is a constant source of strength for Maddie as she navigates the new world rife with danger.

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