Safe Haven [Chapter 16]

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Safe Haven [Chapter 16]

|NEW CHAPTER!! YAY! Here you guys this took way too long, I'm so sorry that it took this long for a new chapter 😆, I hope you guys enjoy it, I'll try and get a new chapter for English Rose soon!! I promise! It might take too long to write too. Haha, anyway, like I said before. Enjoy the chapter!!||

Location: Woking, Surrey train station. Time: 12:30am. What remains of that district is nothing less than shelter for the resistance, the survivors of the blight, it was small but it was a home to them. There was food, books to read, it was lively, people in the town enjoyed what life that was worth living, their faces covered all by masquerade and joyless masks, most of them wearing glasses underneath, their outfits torn in some places, fires in the streets, people creating a small campfire, most people are shopkeepers, most of authors, most are the former members of Eton College and Parliament.

The three managed to get off the train as it came to halt, it was quiet, many people were asleep, others were on guard, the group walked away from the train, "God...". Adrienne whispered, "Something isn't right. Where's Matthew?". A male walked forward, his dark brown hair and his grey eyes and very pale face covered by his masquerade mask, his torn police uniform, his white and blood stained gloves, holding a booklet of names, and passports, "Letter of transit, please. Oh Ms Jones, please do come inside, I see you've brought some frien-' YOU!. ". He stopped speaking, noticing Ethan and grabbed Ethan's blazer and pinned him against the wall with a tight grasp, Ethan's hat falling off, causing his blonde hair and stitched up face to be shown, his green eyes grew wide in a panic, Matthew looked at Adrienne, "Why is he here?". Adrienne looked at him, "He was almost killed, a thing...a man of sorts that Heànburg sent is after him, after all of us. Don't hurt him, Christ...". The male turned back to Ethan, and scoffed. "Fine. Just stay close. And Davies?". The blonde haired male picked up his hat off the floor, his face full of fear, horror and distraught, "Yes..?". The male replied, the other sighed and remembered that he hated Ethan's sense of guilt, "Don't say anything to the people around you, they don't want to know or remember what you've done. What Channing has done. They're all happy in their own right, don't take that away from them. If they ask you something. Respond! Do not ask for something, we have little shit as it is.". The male scolded, his tone angered, Adrienne looked at Ethan, "I'm sorry about Matthew. He doesn't really understand anything anymore, his mind went er...funny, ya know?". Ethan looked at her, "Yeah, I can kinda tell. Poor man. Was it the Viramotine or something else?". The other male laughs, "Viramotine is a nightmare, but I suppose it's what's kept us going. God forbid I know it's disgusting. But oh fuck, you're lucky, you never had to take that much of that disgusting medicine. Channing takes it till his mind finally fucks off and makes him forget everything else.". Stephen looked at Matthew as the group walked together into Surrey's districts, or what remains of them, "Matthew, Viramotine was plant based, made of leaves and mushrooms, crushed into a paste then put into red and blue capsules and served by bottle, doesn't that explain, like almost everyone's blight like symptoms? The sympathy for the devil doesn't really control the mind, it continues to control thought. How would he go about being influenced by the madness forecasted throughout our lives?". Adrienne whispered and remembered her navy days, God, she didn't want to remember. "Every day for the past five years, I took that drug, dreaming that my happiness would provide me with a high degree of comfort, I mean. I got to be a high ranking officer, mostly because I slept with the general. I wasn't on my Viramotine that day. Then I left when Channing came to power, I was just so annoyed and angry with his political situation, he killed the queen, yet nobody, unless you're not talking Viramotine, remembers. I remember it, I remember Paul and Kimberly, they say, Alexander Bailey was murdered, correct? By Warren, right?". The other two male's faces dropped, knowing that Warren gave up his life to protect Stephen and Ethan, to continue their travels and get rid of Channing. The result of that was to bring justice to our country, to bring peace and not forced happiness.

The town was clean, not much bloodshed, the rubble wasn't much either, the houses were pretty much intact, there wasn't much, but it was home to everyone who rebelled, group arrived in the town centre, everyone seemed to look to the group of rebels, some running to Adrienne, she was their leader after all. They were all Happiness-Chasers, some armed with weapons, some keeping warm by the fires, some giving food to the survivors. A male walked forward to Adrienne,he was a gunsmith, a merchant of sorts, "Hello Adrienne, our leader of our voiceless defiances, good to see you and your team had survived Milton Keynes. Wait...Where's James?". Stephan looked at him, he struggled to mention it, "SPIT IT OUT MAN!" Stephan looked at the other and shouted back, "HE GAVE UP HIS LIFE TO PROTECT US ALL! HE DIDN-!". The thing that was following Stephan and Ethan had found them, Adrienne looked at the other, the man was tall, stained in blood and a ripped uniform, his face mutated from the Viramotine he had took, his body full of lumps and bumps, his weapon a pipe wrench, Adrienne looked at the other two men, "GO HIDE! WE'LL TAKE HIM ON!!" Adrienne pulled her gun out and started to shoot, the male did also, more people came around to help. That man didn't go down easily, he was strong, very powerful, Viramotine made him stronger it seemed, "HOW THE FUCK IS HE NOT GIVING UP YET?! I know Viramotine makes you stronger, but I didn't expect him to be a mutant sort of human from it.". The tall and mutated looking male laughed, hitting the people with his pipe wrench, causing them to weaken but still fight, "Channing gave me the opportunity to destroy the resistance, and that's what I'm doing. He made me so much stronger than I was. Viramotine made me feel like I wasn't good enough before. I bless my new found body. I bless Channing for my humble request and found humanity. I bless him as a new found God. ".

Matthew glared, "Tell someone who gives a shit.". Shooting the creature like male in the eye, *BANG!*, blood dripped from his blue eye, "You have forsaken him, you know? Channing doesn't trust the verim, didn't anyone ever tell you that Matthew?". The male shook his head, "Like I said. I don't really give a shit. Channing can go rot himself in fucking hell he came from. ". Matthew laughed, quickly shooting his gun again, *BANG!*. Shots continued to fire, before a loud thud was heard, " b-bastard...", the former officer spoke, getting up again, running and crawling directly towards the group, they ran, Ethan tripping over the slight rubble, falling directly into a pipe, causing his face to get cut open, taking his eye out with it, he got up, taking our the lead pipe from his face, smacking the other's face in.

Ethan dropped his weapon as the male chased them, the group continued to run across the town, running and running as people shot at the male that seemed to never give up fighting, it just never gave up, it was just too late to turn back.

"In here!". Matthew shouted, running into the town hall, they boarded up the door as the group of civilians turned their attention to them, their faces of horror and distraught. Ethan fell forward, his face heavily bleeding, his eye dangling from it's socket, he coughed heavily, his raspy breath caught the attention of a male in a white and bloodied coat and ran to him, he was a doctor, "Adrienne, we'll take care of him! You take care of Joseph!". The doctor and some others picked up Ethan, carrying him to the spare room which operated as a medical unit, they had to do something, that something was to fix his face from the injury he had sustained. The doctor lay him down, his one eye closed, his young child placed in a spare cubicle that was a bathroom, "That's Ethan Davies...former health secretary...". A nurse in a mask spoke, wiping the blood from his face, a doctor cut away the eye and the skin, "Oh my're right...Why on Earth would he rebel? He was a helper of Channing, I know but...". The doctor looked at his clients, "Stop caring about his former life in politics, it's not needed. Not here. ". The doctor pulled up a box full of equipment, drugs to ease the pain, "Scalpel?". The nurse passed him a scalpel, a dead body hung in the area, cutting a piece of the face off, it had to be the right size, right colour and tone.

The surgeons heard gun fire and Daniel mouthed "Shit...we've gotta hurry. ". He looked outside, holding the scalpel, "TAKE HIM DOWN! TAKE HIM FUCKING DOWN!". He then returned to his safe haven.

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