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[Felix POV]

A blanket of silence fell around me. I didn't feel any pain, and neither did I feel anyone hovering over me. I slowly dared to open my eyes and look around. I wish I didn't do that.

The others stared at something in front of me. I was facing Hyunjin, Minho, Changbin, and Chan. Their mouths were wide open and they held an expression which I can't describe but it was definitely not of happiness.

I slowly turned my head to look in front of me. What I saw, made my heart break into pieces. My already wet eyes allowed more tears to flow. I went numb. I didn't know what I was feeling. My mind went blank.

Jeongin was in front of me. His head was thrown to the side and that zombie was biting him vigorously. She took out some muscles of his and threw his body away. She sat down and started eating them.

Those useless guards came and finally dragged her away. A red alarm was pressed and some scientists, guards, and officers came. I didn't give a damn about them and ran straight to Jeongin's figure.

The others also followed me and went to Jeongin, our friend's figure. Blood was flowing out of his neck at a fast rate. I took his head gently and kept it on my lap.

"Chan, Chan, he's okay, right? Right?" I asked as my voice shook. He was in tears too. He caressed Jeongin's cheeks.

"He can't d-die," Minho stuttered. "JEONGIN!!!! What the heck? You're giving up so easily?? Wake up!!! WAKE UP!!" Hyunjin uttered as he shook Jeongin's figure.

"Hey, who'll get on my nerves now? W-wake up!!" Changbin uttered as he sobbed out some tears. "We were just getting close!! You c-can't die like this," Jisung said as he cried on Minho's shoulder.

Seungmin hugged me and cried out. I cried on his shoulders while Jeongin's head still lay on my lap.

Suddenly, a hand pulled me from behind. I freed myself and looked at the figure standing behind me. It was an officer, covered in gear and holding a gun. We all know that he is holding that weapon for show-off.

"Kid, you must leave this zombie. He might turn any moment. We'll protect you," he said. "Protect us????" Chan frowned as he stood up. "When she was turning into a zombie, which was empty?? The gun or your brain?" He asked while facing the officer.

"Mind your tongue. kid," the officer warned. "Mind your actions!!! She took enough time to turn into a zombie. You could've shot her before she turned!!" Seungmin yelled as he stood beside Chan. "And dare to call our friend a zombie," Minho warned.

A scientist came from behind. "Kids, you must understand!! You can't allow your emotions to take over you now," That old scientist lectured. "We are researching this disease. It spreads when the affected person bites you. This boy is badly bitten, he will surely turn, maybe he's taking time," He stated.

"Jeongin won't turn!!" Hyunjin yelled. "You left us with no choice," the scientist said. Some guards came and forcefully dragged us away. We tried to free ourselves but were too weak against these useless adults.

"DON'T YOU DARE TO KILL JEONGIN!!!!" I screamed. They just ignored it. Those show-off adults dragged us away, harshly.

"Stop!" The scientist's uncle screamed while the guards dragged us away. They looked back at the scientist confused just like us. "Something different is happening to this boy," he said. The guards bought us closer. The thing we saw was amusing and wasn't shown in any zombie movies earlier.

We watched as Jeongin's wound recovered at an unusual pace. His platelets clotted up and prevented the blood from flowing out. Within some minutes, the wound surprisingly disappeared into his skin. It was unbelievable. No science book has ever mentioned the clotting of such serious wounds so quickly and also leaving no marks.

Jeongin, however, was still unconscious or dead. I have no idea. The scientist, the officers and the guards were awestruck. The scientist bent down to check Jeongin's breathing.

He looked up at us and said, "he's alive." We all exchanged happy glances and freed ourselves to sit beside Jeongin. The scientist was left confused. That big brain, himself didn't know how to explain this phenomena. I won't lie, we were surprised too but considering the fact that we knew Jeongin for a very less amount of time, we had a lot of questions for him too.

We doubted his survival too. How did he survive while saving Hyunjin and Minho? He ran out of that room and later got almost eaten by the zombies but survived that and on top of that has a flawless skin???

"He's moving," Changbin said. We all shot our head at him. The guards got in a defensive position and the scientist lifted his spectacles. We watched as Jeongin's head slowly moved right to left.

He slowly opened his eyes and struggled to sat back but I helped him. He let out some breath and steadily turned his neck around to find us surrounding him. He looked confused and glanced at the scientist and also the guards.


゜✧*̣̩  ⋆゜𝙍𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙬𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙚.Where stories live. Discover now