2.) Martial arts

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Okay so apparently this Emily had every class with us, but history, because in that time she had her talk with her tutor. Yes, everyone of us poor students had a tutor.

My tutors name was Mrs. Sheldon a.k.a. Mrs. Smiley. Why Mrs. Smiley? Everytime you see her, she is smiling. But not just smiling. A full grin. A. full. grin. The grins of the grins.

Every student likes her. Okay, exept for me. I don't have much against her. She is just the opposite of me. I'm this grumpy ass child and she is the happy and joyfully adult.

She wasn't even my first tutor. Before her there was Mrs. Bert (bad name, I guess). Mrs. Bert was just how I liked it. She wasn't so talkative and didn't smile that much. In our lessons together she let me do my homework and stuff like that.

Maybe because of her I'm now so grumpy.

But with Mrs. Sheldon I did coorparation things and I needed to talk with her about my problems and thoughts and everything that involves feelings. That was just not my thing. I'm very awkward around feelings.

One time this girl cried, because she fell as we had our parkour lessons. I was standing directly next to her and didn't know what to do, so I asked her why she was crying. Of cause she was crying because of her fall, but I was so overburdened that I didn't really think about it at that moment.

So as you can see I'M NOT GOOD WITH FEELINGS.

Back to Emily. She just had too much energy for me. She was so happy to be on this school, but I wished I could have been in her situation at her former home. Maybe then I could have had a better life with parents who cared about me and maybe I was able to play soccer.

But it is how it is. I'm not Emily. Just Hannah, without a opportunity to play the sport I love so desperatly.

As James, Emily and I were on our way to martial arts, we saw a man in a black suit standing infront of our principals office.

He didn't see in our diraction but on his phone. He had a frown on his face and tap his foot. He looked like he was in his late thirties and not very friendly. His black hair was on point and not a single strand of hair stood of.

"Do you know him?", Emily asked.

Whithout letting him out of my eyesight I shoke my head. "No, I don't know him."

"Me neither.", said James, "But he looks important."

We walked past him and I looked at him again. He looked me straight in the eye and a shiver ran down my spine. His eyes were black as the night. I turned back again. Strange guy.


"So class. Today we will practice the hand-to-hand combination again.", our martial arts teacher Mr. John told us.

Everyone groaned, me included.

"Yes, yes, I know it is boring for you. But you need to kepp them in mid so you will not forget them. If you are on a mission you probably need this. So, hurry up and find a partner to fight with."

I looked at James and wanted to ask if we wanted to be my partner, but wasn't having it. "Oh no, Hannah. I will never fight you again after last time. You beat me up like I was a real criminal. I needed to go to the infirmary."

"Oh come on, dude. It wasn't that bad. Don't be so dramatic. You needed to go to the infirmary because you slipped while fighting and hit your head. It wasn't because of me."

"Oh yes? Who made me slip then?"

I just rolled my eyes and looked around for a other person to partner up with me.

"Hey, Jackson", I heard a voice calling me, "You want to fight me or are you scared to get your ass kicked?"

Of cause it was Paul Paul Thomson. This idiot. Trys it again and again. Never learned of his mistakes.

"Oh please. As if you can beat her.", I heard James call out.

I just snored. "Thomson. I will beat you again and again. Do you ever learn? Just remember the last times I beat you. Wasn't so cocky after that."

"You were just lucky. You won't beat me again, Jackson. I promise you that. When I'm finished with you you'll wish you were never borned.", he yelled out.

I looked for Mr. John, who wasn't there anymore. Not that I didn't want to kick this assholes butt, but I needed to be sure it was okay with our teacher. Mostly he didn't care about the fights we had. We just shouln't be dead afterwards.

"So, Jackson. Looking for our teacher to save you, huh? He isn't there anymore. He needed to to be at our principals office. Running some errands or something like that. Are you on for a little fight?", Thomson asked me.

"Sure. Why not? Just don't cry, after you're lost. I'm really not good at feelings."

He just grined at me and went into fighting pose.

I did the same and we circled each other. He then attempted a quick fist smash at my right side, but I was able to easily block that one. After that, he tried a left foot, wanting to step on my knee to make me fall. But I grabbed his foot and jerked him sideways so he hit the ground hard.

He wanted to get up but I wouldn't let him and turned his hand behind his back and held him there. He couldn't move.

"Not so stong now, are you?", I asked him.

He just growled and tried to get free, but I held him strongly in my grip.

"Miss Jackson. I would really appreciate it, when you could let go of Mr. Thomson.", a voice in the back said. Mr. John came to us and stared down at us.

I let go of Thomson and got up. Mr. John looked at me. "Miss Jackson. Come with me to the principals office please. We need to talk."

I frowned. Why would I need to go to the principal? These fights happend often at our school to see who is the best. Mr. John didn't mind something like that. So why did I need to go to the principal?

As I followed Mr. John to the door and I looked back at the others. Thomson had a shiteating grin on his face and waved at me as a gesture of fake pitty.

James and Emily had confusion and worry written on their faces. I just smiled at them to let them now it was okay.

Everything would be alright. Hopefully. I didn't give a shit anyway.

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