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"Pss, pss. Casei?"

My eyes crack open and I realize I had fell asleep in Dylandra's closest. She's standing over me, a full face of make up on and a cute little party dress with more holes than fabric, showing off her body.

"Lowen's gone?" I ask, unfolding my legs and making my way out of the tight space.

"No. She's outside in her Jeep waitin' for me. Once we pull off, you gotta go bro. I'm...sorry you had to be here for that," she apologized.

"Dyl. Why are you still with her?" I asked, stepping forward. "She's so pushy and demanding. You don't need that. And she's already hurt you once."

"I don't know," she looked away, holding a mini clutch in her hands. "But you gotta go. I don't wanna scare the shit out of my sister. She's asleep still and I wanna keep things that way so I don't have to pay her off to be quiet."

"Stay here with me," I grabbed her hand gently, "Let me treat you right, Dylandra."

"I can't Casei. I'm sorry, but...not tonight," she glanced back at the hallway then kissed me. Giving me another sorry, she went to go join Lowen in her vehicle. I followed her out and waited in the living room for the two of them to drive off.

I heard a creak behind me and nearly jumped.

A younger girl with Dylandra's features and Ariel pajamas on was staring at me. She clutched a stuffed walrus in her arms and was rocking in a way like she was still sleepy.

"Hey. I'm just Dyl's friend. Go back to bed, love," before I sent her on her way, I slipped her five dollars. I left out of Dylandra's apartment, closing the door behind myself and stepping out into the night.

I ordered myself an Uber, knowing where I was going now. To Houston.

It was one in the morning by the time I made it to Houston. My ride was nice and the conversation between me and the driver was pretty chill. I had tipped the girl, and she went on her way as I walked up to the Air BnB it was being thrown at.

Bitches in outfits compared to strippers was standing in a line trying to get inside. Some nigga was at the door having them do 360's to determine if they could get in, but I could see a few people sneaking 'round back, out of his sight, into the party.

I went through the same way, moving past the broken fence board and entering the party. There was a decent sized pool in the back that nobody really was in and a large bouncy house filled with drunk bitches in they bras and panties.

I entered the house through the back, looking for Dyl. Nobody here was at all familiar to me. The house was large, adding on to the feeling of loneliness that I had. It was packed through and through, and I could tell it wasn't just a high school party judging by the type of guys there too. The crowd was mostly Black or Hispanic, and speakers was set up across the house booming different shit everywhere you went.

Girls had formed twerk circles and some niggas was trying to roll dice by the kitchen. Almost all the furniture was pushed to the sides of the walls, leaving only open floor and carpet for people to dance on. Some girl was sitting up on the fire place cussing all loud and one of her friends was trying to coax her down.

Damn, do you love Houston?

I made my way to the kitchen, where shots were being poured and some niggas was only letting certain people in around the drinks and stuff. Some nigga was requesting some Casamigos for his girlfriend, and another dude was mixing Coke with some liquor.

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