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The next day at work I swear I'm not thinking about Lowen, nor am I waiting for her to come in through the door. I'm guessing she doesn't have to come in at the time that I do? And hey, I'm only wondering when she'll get here because apparently Andrew has something he needs the both of us to work on since today is projected to be a slowly paced day for the firm.

"She ain't here yet," I could hear Brian saying outside the firm.

I frowned a little bit. It sounded like he was pissed and honestly on go. Andrew was somewhere in the back, either in their office or in the restroom, so I got up from my desk to look out the window. Apparently overnight, tint and some nice shades for the blinds had been put up, so now it was a bit harder for me to see outside...and probably a bit harder for people to see inside too.

I cracked open the door outside a little bit to eavesdrop.

Who wanted to see Lowen so bad anyways, I wondered.

"What's goin' on, Brian?" I asked, deciding to just go outside to understand the full scope of things. I  probably should have went and found Andrew first so he could know about all this arguing too.

I blinked.


"Dyl?" I took the girl in. Jean jacket and a Target floral dress on, clinging to her body. She had redone her shimmery braid and her hair was freshly laid like it hadn't been anything but perfect.

"Y'all know each other?" Brian looked between us two, "Ohh shit," he chuckled, "Yeah...this some shit."

"I work here. What's wrong?" I asked her, taking a step forward between the two of them.

"She can't come in here. And Lowen don't wanna see you, Dylandra. I'm sorry but...that's just what it is," Brian stated.

Pink vape in hand, Dyl looked between us two, "This is crazy."

"What's crazy is the restraining order or trespassing- something, that I'll have to put on your ass if you don't stop showin' up here. Baby, you and Lowen got high school drama goin' on and this is my business and very much real, adult life. You gotta go...honey," he shook his head. "I can't have this all summer."

"What's goin' on out here?" Andrew finally came out.

"I don't know, but I don't think you guys need to take any serious action against Dyl. She's just askin' for Lowen for whatever reason, and she ain't harmin' any of us," I stated. I didn't know the full scope of whatever situation was happening between Dyl and Lowen, but I did know that shawty seemed all sweet and innocent, and I didn't think nothing serious should happen to her. Especially, to go on her record.

Dyl seemed cool.

"She's been actin' a fool here for a very long time, Casei, you just didn't know about any of that," Andrew supplied. "Girlie gotta go," he shook his head.

"Leave the drama at Quercitron High, okay, pleaseee," Brian clasped his hands together, one AirPod in his ear, gum stuck behind the other, "I love you and I love what you did for my lil cousin when y'all were doin' y'all thang and all the positive shit, but this gotta end, okay babes?"

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