Chapter 3

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When Giyu fell asleep he started to have a nightmare dreaming of his sister and Sabito.

Tsutako: Giyu why did you abandon me?

Giyu: Nee-san w-what d-do you m-mean?

Tsutako: You left me for dead. You should have been the one to die.

Sabito: Giyu how dare you pursue love after my death. You should be ashamed of yourself letting your best friend die and then getting together with Makomo. You disgust me.

Giyu: Nee-san, Sabito I-i...

Tsutako: Spare us your pathetic words.

Sabito: You're the reason we are dead. This is all your fault.

Giyu woke up screaming and sweating. While he screamed he woke up Makomo.


Makomo: Yuu are you having that nightmare again.

Giyu nodded to which Makomo hugged him. 

Makomo: Yuu I am here for you.

Giyu: T-thank y-you Mako.

They both fell asleep hugging each other.

That's it for chapter 3 am so sorry this chapter is very short after such a long wait. As always I hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you find any spelling mistakes don't forget to let me know so I can fix them.

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