73. Don't Be Like Daddy.

Start from the beginning

"Sam is looking for Ian," Rosie huffed out dramatically.

"Oh," Ian said, dragging the word out. "I forgot. We're going over to his house 'cause his brother's letting us use the Play Station. We're gonna play Little Big Planet. You should come."

"What's Little Big Planet?" Rosie asked, scrunching her face up.

"What's Little Big Planet?! You've never played Little Big Planet?!" Ian asked, widening his eyes.

"I've never played any video games," Rosie said, shrugging her shoulders a bit.

"Now you have to come with us," Ian said. He dropped the pile of clothes he was holding onto his bed and hurried over to the bedroom door, grabbing onto Rosie's hand to pull her with him.

"I don't wanna," Rosie argued, pulling away from him.

"Please," Ian nagged.


"You should go, Rosie. Little Big Planet is really fun, even if you don't like Sam," Carl added, plopping down onto his bed. "And you should go to Deanna's party tonight."

"I'm not goin' to anything," Rosie claimed, crossing her arms.

"Ok, what if I give you an ultimatum?" Carl said, raising his eyebrows.

"I don't like tomatoes," Rosie replied.

"That's not what I-" Carl stopped, sighed, and then laughed, and Rosie just rolled her eyes again. "An ultimatum is where you get two choices. You can either go hang out with Sam and Ian right now, or go to the party later tonight. How about that?" Carl explained.

"I don't wanna do either of those things," Rosie said, not understanding.

"Well, you gotta pick one. It's a compromise. It'll be good for you. If I were you, I'd pick the party, 'cause I'm gonna be there," Carl said, smirking as he tried to make her laugh.

Rosie wanted to tell him no. she wanted to tell him that she wasn't going to any party, and she wasn't going to hang out with Sam Anderson. But then she thought about her dad. What would Daddy say? What would he do? Her dad would probably tell them all to fuck off, and then go home. He wouldn't go to any parties, and he wouldn't hang out with some stupid kid he didn't even know. He'd probably tell Carl and his ultimatum to go fuck themselves.

Don't be like Daddy. Don't be like Daddy. Don't be like Daddy.

"Fine. I'll go to the dumb party," Rosie finally gave in. Ian and Carl both cheered, and Rosie rolled her eyes. "Sam's waitin' for you outside. Tell 'im I said his taste in books is shit."

"Yes, ma'am," Ian said, saluting her before hurrying out of the room and down the stairs.

Rosie left the room, too, but she went to her own bedroom, which was just at the end of the hall. She was given this bedroom because everyone else had picked theirs before her- simply because she refused to pick. She didn't want to sleep in a room all by herself. The thing that really bothered her about this room, though, was that it looked like that room she'd been locked in. The room in that house, with the garden, and the big counter, where she'd eaten a can of corn. That was why she wouldn't sleep in the room. That was why she hated being in the room. And it was part of the reason why she hated this house.

Staring into the room, Rosie thought about the situation. She didn't want that to be her room. She couldn't sleep in there. But at the same time, she didn't know how to change it. She sighed, biting down on her lip. She should have just picked a room when Rick told her to.

After another moment or two of thinking, she thought about Daryl. She thought about how he said that if she needed something, she had to tell him. So she would tell him. All she had to do was find him.

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