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    I woke up the next morning, fully determined to lead a happy life. My parents won't stop me from seeing the brighter side of things. In other to do this, I put down some things that will help me out on this cause.

*Be able to socialize
*Make music my best friend
*Don't let mum and dad get to me
*Have people I can trust
*Be happy

  The last two will probably be the hardest for me, because from what I'm facing in my house, it will be quite difficult but I'm willing to try. I'm ready for school, my parents are downstairs doing their usual argument but I just walked through them to get an apple and walked passed them to go to school.

  I get to school to see Mia standing by my locker. Ok Sapphire, remember, be happy, don't be awkward. I got to her, we exchanged greetings. She asked me a very strange question.

  "Yesterday, you said Chris borrowed you his pencil, is it true?" She looked really curious and my answer shocked her even more

  "Yes, is there any problem with that?" I asked. "No no no, there's no problem is just that Chris has never been so kind to any other girl except me". She sounded off and my mind drifted to the next thing that I could think of

   "Mia, do you like Chris?". She looked even more shocked but responded with a negative saying, "umm, I can't look at Chris that way, he's always been my best friend". I looked at her suspiciously. I know that if I was in her shoes, I won't go around telling a new girl I met, I like someone, but as time goes on, I'll get her to say something.

   "Have you ever thought of him as something more than your best friend?". I asked her. "Even if I did think of him as something more, it won't work out because he will always see me as just his best friend". She said looking sad, but immediately tried to cover it with a smile.

  Her response got me thinking. I was so lost in thought, I didn't look where I was going, so lost I didn't even budge when Mia tried to pull me out of the way, but what jolted me back was when I bumped into someone who had two friends accompanying her.

  "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking at where I was going" I tried to explain, at this point I hadn't seen her face but her friends were trying to help her up. When she was up, I was shocked at who it was that my dumb self decided to bump into.

   "You blind bitch!! Can't you look where you're going? Do you know who I am? I think you lack sense to comprehend what I'm saying or even give a good excuse for why you bumped into me" Minnie yelled. Yes. Minnie. It was Minnie my idiotic self decided to bump into. Now I've officially made myself her enemy. I couldn't say anything since I was once again lost in thought so Mia tried to talk on my behalf

   "Minnie, she said she's sorry. She wasn't looking. You don't know what she was thinking that had her so lost in thought" Mia said but Minnie wasn't having it at all.

  "Can't blindo speak for herself? Or is she too scared of me?" Minnie asked, cockiness evident in her voice.

  "I said I was sorry, it's my fault I wasn't looking were I was going so please pardon me" I said but she still wasn't having it. So Mia snapped

   "You know what, enough of this bullshit, Minnie she said she was sorry. If she's wrong for not looking were she was going, well what about you, were you looking were you were going? No, because if you were, you could have seen us coming. Bitch" Mia said and I was at a loss for words

   I looked at Minnie, she looked surprised, angry and as if someone had seen her poop her pants so, yes she looked embarrassed. I was about to burst out laughing but what she said caught me off guard.

  "Watch your back blindo" before she left with her minions. What a great start to being happy right?.

    "Thank you for speaking up for me". I said with pure gratitude. "It was nothing". She responded.

    We went for our first class together, during the class, two boys came in. I recognized them to be Daniel and Felix but Mia still felt like telling me about them. I asked about Jackson she said "he probably has a different class".

   "What's up Mr Davidson". Felix asked the teacher knowing fully well that he came late, Daniel just apologized, rolled his eyes at Felix and simply pulled him to their seat. From what I've seen, Daniel is like the dad of the group. Class passed and I had my next class with Chris. I asked him the first thing that had been on my mind.

   "Why was Mia surprised that you gave me your pencil?" He looked quite taken aback before I noticed something like a blush on his face but my eyes may have deceived me. He responded saying, "aah, maybe it's because I don't talk to other girls".

   You know, when I looked at him closely, he looked kinda cute. If he was the type to talk to people, he'll probably be one of the most popular people in school.

   We settled down for the next class, this time it was Jackson and Lilian that came late, and it looked like an angel fell from heaven. He looked like perfection. I might have been staring too much because Chris had to nudge me awake.

   I turned and I saw Minnie and Michelle trying to talk to Jackson but it looked like Jackson would rather drown than talk to Minnie so Lilian pursued them away. Shame I couldn't hear what they were saying so I told Chris about my encounter with Minnie and he looked very angry, but he couldn't say anything because the teacher walked in and started teaching.

   This particular lecture was super boring so I kept on dozing, Chris tried waking me but I still kept on dozing.

    Well that was before the teacher woke me up. The people there started laughing at me. I looked around to see Minnie looking happy, Chris looking concerned and Jackson looking amused, you know like this was some sort of show.

    "Sir this isn't what it looks like". I tried to defend myself but he asked

   "Aren't you a new student?" The teacher asked, even though the answer was pretty obvious. "Y-yes S-sir". I answered.

   "New girl just can't seem to stay outta trouble". Minnie scoffed and everybody started laughing.

   "I'll let you off because you're a new student". The teacher said and boy was I relived because a bad record won't be needed because I'm still new. So I really appreciated him.

  Minnie looked angry but satisfied as I was still embarrassed in front of the class. Soon it was break and I went to sit with my friends, aaah, that sounds good to say. Mia, Chris and I all ate sandwiches with orange juice.

   "Guys, I don't know how I'll handle Minnie and her friends. It's really bugging me" I said. I honestly don't want to be bullied here, since I don't have peace at home, I want school to be my place of peace.

   "As far as you don't mess up again, you'll be fine". Chris said. I asked them for their numbers and then I observed the two of them, how they got into their own world totally forgetting about me but I didn't mind.

   I finished my food then I wanted to get my book from my locker for my next class so I excused myself. I noticed Jackson and his friends stand up but who cares right, definitely not me, right?!

    I got to my locker and I got my books but I stayed there a little bit longer, my face to the locker so I didn't know what was happening behind me.

    I started hearing footsteps coming closer to me which is weird. Oh my shit, I hope it isn't Minnie, I've had enough of her for one day.

    "Hey, newbie" said the best voice I've heard in my life that is apart from all my favorite musicians. I turned around to see..........


   Well.... Curse my luck


{A/N: Well, this took longer than expected but, I hope you like it. Please make sure to vote, comment. I love you guys 💜🤗💜}


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