chapter 1

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i am very rudely awoken by my phone ringing, i groan and bright my hand to my face to rub my eyes.

"what the fuck who is calling me at this time" i roll over and check my phone, it was my manager, i sit up quickly and answer the call wondering what he wants to tell me.

I have been in a handful of small movies and a few episodes in TV shows, i have a little following, it's quite nice i can interact with my fans and make them all smile.

"Y/N! i have some newssss!!!" he sounds excited.

"what is your newsssss!" i ask him, matching his excited tone.

"ok so basically... you're going to be in wednesday season 2" he says calmly

"WHAT" I scream into the phone before dropping it on my bed and jumping around my bedroom screaming

"wait..." i saw as i slow my jumping "oh my god.. i'm going to meet jenna ortega, i mean- how am i going to- she's my crush- oh my god" i ramble on

"I know Y/N! ok go back to sleep and just meet me tomorrow so we can talk more!"

"okay bye!!!" i say as i hang up, grinning like an idiot.

I pull up instagram on my phone and without even thinking i open my dms and message jenna

Jenna Ortega

Sooo... Did you hear i'm going to be in
wednesday season 2? i just wait to meet
you 🤭

(Time skip)
It's now morning and i just woke up again, I wake up slowly and drag myself to the bathroom to take a hot shower, i wash my hair and my body then get out and do my skin care and put my hair up into a messy bun. I grab my phone from my nightstand and almost scream at the notification i see.

INSTAGRAM [itsjustY/N]
jennaortega: I know! i just heard 🥰 I can't wait to work with you, i have watched everything you are in and i am a huge fan of your work! let's talk soon yeah? maybe we can call tonight if you aren't busy. I hope you have an amazing day.

INSTAGRAM [itsjustY/N]
jennaortega started following you.

I SCREAMED!!! oh my god my crush dmed me and followed me- i mean i know we're going to be working together but oh my godddd she wants to call me? YES. omg i need to reply.

I place my thumbs over my keyboard thinking of something to reply, i don't want to sound too desperate.


Sooo... Did you hear i'm going to be in
wednesday season 2? i just wait to meet
you 🤭

jennaortega: I know! i just heard 🥰
I can't wait to work with you, i have watched
everything you are in and i am a huge
fan of your work! let's talk soon yeah?
maybe we can call tonight if you aren't
busy. I hope you have an amazing day.

oh my god yes. i would love to call
you whenever you want to, i am free
all day, i'll probably just stay at home and
play my guitar so honestly just let me know
when you want to talk 🥰.

I put my phone down and grab my guitar, i can only strum it a few times before i get cut off by my ringtone. i groan and roll my eyes before checking who it is this time, i blush when i see who it is.

INSTAGRAM [itsjustY/N]
incoming video call from jennaortega

A/N: please give requests and ideas on what to put in this! this is also my first ever story about jenna so please be patient and understand that updates may be slow.

i'm really grateful i get to know you <3 jenna ortega x fem reader!Where stories live. Discover now