" No, he can call me!"

" Ugh, y'all are sickening. I guarantee that he's saying the same thing. Nah, she can call me!"

" I don't care." I got a notification from IG saying that he had just gone live. Nai must have got it too because she shook her head. He's live so he's obviously not doing a damn thing. Let's see what this Nigga is up to." I wasn't going on his live but knew she would. I heard his voice and knew she was watching.

" This Nigga..He's at a restaurant but I can't tell who's he with." I glanced at her. I was a little curious so I decided to move closer to her.

" Does he know you're watching?

" No, I'm on my finsta." She laughed.

" There's my baby!" Nai smiled. Chubbs held his hand up, telling Aubrey to get the phone out of his face. When he turned it around you could see a couple of girls sitting at the table. There were a few others as well.

" Oh my Gosh, you're on live, Aubrey." A voice says. Who the fuck is calling him Aubrey?

" Aubrey?" Nai yells.

" I've been on live all this time, don't worry I'm not showing you." He laughed

" Where's Solána and my son? Oh, they're at home." He had this look on his face when he said that.

" He looked a little sad when saying that!" Nai says while grabbing her other phone. She hands me the while she starts typing. I watched Aubrey talk to his fans but what was really bothering me was the female voice in the background. He was smiling at her and saying little things. Nothing that would make me question him. I'm just confused about who this person is. He sounds comfortable around her.

" Chubbs leaned over and said something to him. I couldn't make out what he said but Aubrey sat up some and looked at his phone. He looked like he was looking for something.

" Ok, my people! I'm going to have to get off of this. I need to finish dinner and get my shit ready for tomorrow's game."

" Byeeeee!!" A smiling face with glasses appeared next to him, waving. He glanced at her before moving his phone.

" Who the fuck is that?" Nai yelled.

" Aight! I'm going to catch y'all another time! Maybe after my game tomorrow." The Live ended and I sat Nai's phone down.

" Do you know her?" She asked.

" No." I brought my legs up in the seat.

" Solána, what the hell is going on? What happened between y'all? You said you haven't talked for 2 weeks and then he's off in Arizona hanging out with some bitch!"

"I'm going to bed. I'm not feeling good." I got up and walked back into the house. Malik was still eating but he was on FaceTime with someone. I thought it was Aubrey at first until I heard a young girl's voice. Oh, he talking to his friend.

" Leek I'm going to bed," I kissed his forehead.

" Are you ok, Ma?"

" I'm good, Pooh." I walked upstairs and checked on Jaylen.

" Are you ok, Jay?" He looked up.

" Yes, I'm about to go down and eat." He says.

" Ok well if you need me just let me know." I gave him a small smile before walking out. Walking into my bedroom I immediately laid down and cried. I'm not going to lie and say I'm not bothered by Aubrey having some girl around him. This whole time that we've been back together he's never been seen out with any girls. So now that we've had this disagreement I guess that's what we can call it. He wants to hang out with girls. And he wants a baby? Do you think I want a baby with someone that's going to run off with some girl every time he gets mad and doesn't get his way? He's so fuckin childish. My mind goes back to the question that I want, answered... Who is she?

Love Lost  (Drake & SZA)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ