Chapter 31

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Aubrey ( The Next Day)

I had another meeting this morning, leaving the boys with Solána

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I had another meeting this morning, leaving the boys with Solána. Chubbs and Chris weren't with me this time so they took Nai and Kelly out somewhere. Lana said she'd wait for me and we'd do our own thing. The boys want to spend their whole day at the pool and beach, because of these girls. I keep telling them to cool down.

My meeting went smoothly and everything was finalized. So I'm free for the rest of our time here. I'm not sure what Lana wants to do today. Knowing her she wants to sit on our balcony or the beach and read her books. I know she's a little upset about last night and finding out that the investigator was looking for her. I got my lawyers involved again and they are taking care of it while we're here. Tyler has already said that if he keeps talking that he and Anthony will have him taken care of while in jail. I told him to chill because this is why we're dealing with him talking, in the first place.

Walking into our suite it was quiet so I knew the boys were out with Miles. Probably at that damn pool. I know Solána didn't leave out. Looking around I heard music playing. Yea, she's here. She had her 90s R&B playlist playing. I grabbed some fruit before walking up to our room

" Imani." I walked into our room to hear Soon As I Get Home. How fitting. She was sitting on the balcony in her bikini and sunglasses reading on her IPad. She didn't hear me calling her so I stood behind her for a few seconds.

" You're out here like you're trying to tan or some shit." She jumped some and turned around and hit me.

" You scared me!"

" Mmhmm, give me them lips." I leaned down to kiss her.

" You taste like Henny! See, alcoholic!"

" I had a little something on the way here to celebrate a successful meeting," I smirked and shrugged.

" Mmhmm."

" Come on, I want to take my baby shopping!"

" Aubrey, I don't need anything." She looks at me with that cute little look she gets when she's slightly frustrated. I smiled and kissed her again.

" Nah, we're going shopping, Imani! Now get ya ass up and change. You can't be walking around like that.

" Whatever, Drake." She stood up and walked to the closet.

" Come on, now! You know I've never liked you calling me Drake."

"Yea, because you had all your little side girlfriends calling you Drake. I remember girls calling me saying, oh hi Solána I just want to let you know that I was with Drake. He had me at his practice and all." She smiled while putting on her clothes.

"Imani, you know damn well I wasn't with none of them girls." I shook my head while watching her dress.

" Mmhm, girls would call my job too."

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