Chapter 20

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Solána POV (The next day)

I've been pissed since finding out that Nick's wife is Malik's teacher

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I've been pissed since finding out that Nick's wife is Malik's teacher. I'm sure Nick knew as well! I always try to avoid Nick as much as possible at work, but he's always around. Some days he won't say anything, I'll just see him watching me from a distance.

" Nick!" I walked right into his office and closed the door, he was in the middle of eating a salad. He looks up surprisingly.

" Solána, what's wrong?" Of course, he had a look of concern.

" Why didn't you tell me your wife works at Malik's school?"

" Solána, I don't know what she does anymore! We're separated."

" After all these years, you aren't divorced? Wow." I shook my head.

" It will be finalized after I move. That's why I want you there with me, baby! You know I never stopped loving you! We can be a family now." I stared at him in disbelief. Now, if I was younger I'd probably fall for it. I fell for a lot when it came to him.

" A family, Nick?"

" Yes, you, Malik, and I. We can start on our own as well. Remember we used to talk about that?" My thoughts went back to those times. Honestly, I was so happy after meeting him. At that time I knew that Aubrey and I were no more and would never be. I just wanted someone to love me and my son. Nick was that someone.

" Nick, no! None of that! I'm not moving anywhere and there's no chance of us getting back together!"

" Is it because of Aubrey Graham? I know that was him yesterday! I saw him leaving your office. What are you doing hanging around him, Solána? He's just one of those NBA thug basketball players!" He stands and walks over to me.

" Nick, what I do is none of your concern! I just want to know why your wife wants to mistreat a child. I could get her fired, but I don't want to bring unwanted attention to myself or Malik. Everything would be brought up, and I just don't want that." He grabs my hand, but I snatched it back.

" Solána, baby! I'll talk to her. Don't worry!"

" No! Don't! I'm just going to take Malik out of that school. She has issues with me but yet, takes them out on a child."

" She thinks Malik is my son." He mumbles.

" What!" I yelled.

" When she found out about us, she saw the things that I was helping you with at the time. She assumed that Malik was mine, and I never corrected her." I glared at him.

"Nick..." I couldn't even continue, I turned around to walk out, but he grabbed my hand.

" Let me make this right, Solána. I'll make sure she doesn't bother Malik anymore."

" Don't worry about it! We are taking Malik out of that school!" I said while turning around to leave.

" We? Who's we, Solána? Are you seriously dating this guy? So I'm guessing you're going to guilt every guy you date into taking care of Malik, huh?" I'm guessing he doesn't follow social media or celebrity news when Aubrey announced that he has a son.

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