Chapter 38

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" Aubrey D

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" Aubrey D. Graham? You're free to go." Chubbs had to come and bail me out. Of course, they locked me up because I physically assaulted a detective. I was provoked but they won't tell you that. Do you really think I was just going to sit and watch them take my baby away without a fight? This nigga Nick is definitely crazy. We all know it was set up to make it as though he killed her. I don't know what Ty and Anthony did, shit I don't want to know. The fact that he's actually saying he did it is crazy but to bring Solána into this just because she didn't want his ass, is sick.

" Is Lana ok? Is the baby ok?" Was the first thing I asked when I saw Chubbs and one of my lawyers waiting on me. They took her to the hospital but that's all I know. I had already been warned that the media was outside. We walked toward the exit where Tommy and a few of my bodyguards were waiting. We walked right out and it was chaos but we made it inside the truck and took off

"Yeah, both are ok. She fainted. They checked on her and the baby but after that, they took her in." Chubbs says once we were in the truck. My lawyer was on the phone with another one of my lawyers who was trying to get Solána out.

" Aubrey, they don't have enough evidence against her to keep her but this will definitely go to trial and she has to cooperate. Nick Brooks is talking way more than what he was at first. He's actually saying that they worked together and that Solána came up with the whole plan. Says he has proof."

" The fuck?? Working together? Proof? He's whacked out of his mind. Is she able to get out now?" I asked.

" We're working on it." Chubbs handed me my phone and I saw that Malik was on the phone.

" Leek you good? I'm sorry you had to see all of that."

"Yeah Dad, I'm good. I'm just worried about Mommy and the baby." I could hear it in his voice, he was scared. I mean what child wouldn't be? To see both of your parents in cuffs. To see your mother fall out and you can't do anything about it.

" Your mom is going to be ok and the baby is good. We're going to bring her home soon, Leek. Try not to worry too much, aight?" I know that was hard to do for him.

" Ok..."

" You home?" I asked.

" No me and Jaylen are here with Aunt Nai at her house. Our house has a whole bunch of people near it." He said. Shit the media was at the house. I sent a quick text to my guards at the house.

" Aight, well you'll just stay there until we get your mom home."

" Ok. Dad, please don't get locked up again. Try to keep your cool."

" I feel you, Leek. I'm not going to let that happen?" I assured.

" Aight, bring my moms home." He says in a small voice. I know my boy is upset about all of this. This shit had to end. I'll take the fuckin charge before I let them put anything on the Love of my life.

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