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[Bill's last name was too long to type 😂]


That's all that echoed in your completely isolated mind.

"Ughh," you moaned frustratedly, holding your head in your hands.

You were stressed out of your mind, with all the end of the year projects on top of finals on top of your senior year ending. How could it get any worse?

It got worse.

Your history teacher decided to assign a huge oral presentation and speech at the Theatre in the large shopping mall down the street, and if you either failed this assignment or didn't do it, you flunked the entire class.

Just what you needed.

As you slammed your history textbooks in anger after the bell rang, you stood up, looking at your watch. Your face fell, as you realized you were going to be late.

You were the "cameraman" for your close friends Bill and Ted's "rock band". The thing was, they weren't any good at anything musical.

You opened the door leading into Ted's garage, the twang of the incorrectly played electric guitar made you slightly cringe, but you covered it up with a plastered smile as they stopped when you walked in.

A genuine smile spread across Bill's face when he saw you.

You gripped your expensive camera and held it up. "You ready?" You asked, mostly asking yourself that question.

"Yeah, totally dude!" Bill and Ted both said, almost in unison. "Action," you said as you hit record. They introduced their "famous band" and started "jamming".

You tried your best to not laugh or cringe in any way as you recorded, the two idiots bouncing around the old garage.

All the sudden, a speaker blew, sending parks everywhere. You stopped the recording and set the camera on the wooden table in the middle of the garage.

"Okay," you started, "first off, you need better speakers. Second, you need music lessons."

You finally said it.

But, of course, they took it as a joke and started stupidly laughing.

"No, I'm serious you guys. If you want to succeed, then you need to actually learn how to play your instruments."

They looked at each other, then at you. Bill stepped closer to you, knowing you play guitar. "Maybe you could teach me how to play," he said lowly, almost in your ear. You just stood there, a smirk spreading across your face faintly.

You and Bill stepped out of the garage to go home when it was dark, when Bill stopped you.

"So, when do I get that guitar lesson?" He asked, slightly smiling. You smiled a little.

"Is tomorrow good?" You asked, biting your lip a little. He nodded and smirked.

"Its a date," he added slyly, making you turn pink a bit. Just as you were about to turn away, he quickly kissed your lips, turned, and started walking to his house, leaving you to process what just happened.

All you did was stand there and smile.

I had like a 103 fever for a week, then I got an ear infection -_-
RIGHT when finals were happening as well.
All the personal imagines are currently on hold, as I am writing them
in notepad at the moment. I'm gonna update a lot since school is out Thursday oml

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