A/N: a bit more info on the story.

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Another A/N! boring, I know, but this one holds important info that I forgot to add in the first A/N.

In this story, to try and help it make a bit more sense, I'm going to make the animatronics more like the ones from security breach. As in, giving them their own thoughts, personality, and such. I guess I kinda only really hinted at it in the first A/N, but I thought I'd just fully clear that up.

Also, since I'm most likely going to forget to explain it in the story, the animatronics gained consciousness after a while of just watching the guests, and, for the later games, another part of how they have their own personalities and such, is because of the ghost kids that William kills.

I hope that clears some stuff up for later chapters, and I hope it makes sense.


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