Character info.

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*A/N: this is just a run down of some of the characters, even some of the side characters that are in the beginning of the story. Of I add any characters or anything, I'll describe how they look in the chapter their in.


Age: 25

Height: 5'4

Pronouns: They/Them

You took college classes after highschool to be a mechanic until you were about 22 years old, and once you got out of college, you had a good car mechanic job for about 2 or 3 years until the company was closed down for reasons you weren't told about.
Your mother and father died when you and your brother, Vincent, were young, leaving him to take care of you. Even though, he still acted like a brother to you, he would still scold you about your grades and what-not.
You have two best friends, a set of twins named, Kai And Jaquelin (if I get enough comments telling me to change any names, I will). Your parents were friends with their parents, so you three would hang out often.

Age: 31

Height: 6'0

Birthday: June 6th

Vincent is a tall white guy with blue eyes, that dyes his hair almost every other week. He has very damaged hair because of it. He also tends to be your casual white dude, usually wearing sweatpants or shorts as well as a casual T-shirt with a hoodie over top. He's still single as hell, since he doesn't have a clue on how to talk to a girl, or anyone in general. He has very few friends. Fun Fact: He enjoys decorative socks.

Age: 24

Height: 6'2

Birthday: May 2nd

Kai has dark brown hair, pale skin, and green eyes. He hates wearing shorts or anything that shows skin, other than T-shirts. He can be a very shy person, but enjoys being out in public. He doesn't go anywhere without Jaquelin with him, as he doesn't know how to deal with situations on his own. With his friends, he's very outgoing and hyper. Fun Fact: he has a pet lizard named Red. The lizard isn't red it's a mix of green and blue.

Age: 24

Height 5'0

Birthday: May 2nd

Jaquelin and her brother are very similar, as they both have dark brown hair pale skin and green eyes. Jaquelin likes wearing bright colored clothes, like skirts, corsets and other fun looking clothes. Fun fact: she hates being in public.

Extra info: You picked up a stray cat off the street a few years ago and now it just lives with you. His name is Moss. He's a big black cat with yellow-ish gold eyes. He's a good boy.

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