Chapter 3

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*A/N: hopefully this chapter will be longer than the last.

Almost halfway through one episode of a show I like, I'm passing out on the couch.
I get up off the couch, and head to bed a bit early.

"MEOW" I wake up. "MEOOOW"  I sigh, looking over the side of the bed. "DAMN. OK. I'M UP I'M UP!" I yell to the black abyss. Looking over at my alarm clock, I see that it's only 6am. "AUUUGHH" I groan in frustration at the fact that, my alarm doesn't go off for another hour.

Once I actually get out of bed, I remember, that I never switched my clothes into the dryer last night. I just out of bed, still in my PJs, and run to grab the clothes. When I pull the clothes out of the washer, they're still soaked. "God damnit" I say to myself as I rush to put my work clothes in the dryer.

Walking out of the laundry room, I head to the kitchen to get me and Moss some food. I get Moss his dry food, and I get myself a piece of toast, again.

I check the time and see that it's about 7:30am. I go back to the laundry room and check my clothes. 'dry enough' I think to myself getting out of my old clothes, and putting on my work clothes.

Once I get to the diner, I head to William's office. Knocking on the door. I hear shuffling before the door swings open, startling me a tad. "Oh, Hello Y/N"
"Hey, just though I'd see if I needed to do anything before I properly start my shift" I say a some-what confused tone.
"Well, we have some parts and more ingredients coming later today, so, if you could stay stationed by the front, that'd be lovely" "I can do that" "Great, I'll see you later then" I nod before walking back up to the front area of the diner.

"Y/N? What are you doing up here?" Henry asks, snapping me out of whatever world I was in and back to reality. "William asked if I could wait for the truck dude that's bringing in supply" I say, bored out of my mind. "I see. Well he shouldn't be here until a little before we close, so if you wanna play security guard, you can go watch over the dining area for a while" Henry suggests. I nod, yet again, as I stand up from the wall I was leaning on, following Henry until I get to a good spot in the dining area.

From the spot that I'm standing at, you could easily see the show stage, front entrance, and look over pretty much the entire dining area. The first show off the day plays and I watch it, out of pure boredom. I start anylizing the only two animatronics on stage, since I'm going to be working with them, and why not? When I notice, Spring Bonnie. The golden bunny should be slightly turning left and right, and looking over the entire crowd in general, but he's not. Instead, he's still turning, but he's staying more to the left, where I'm at, and it seems like he's staring right at me.

I brush it off, just thinking that I'm trying to make myself feel special for once. The show ends, and I realize, the bunny is still staring at me, only, he's fully turned towards me as well. 'Am I just trying to make myself feel special? Or am I trippin?' I ask myself, yet again, just brushing it off.

Another two shows play, but, I don't pay much attention, as I don't want to feel anymore paranoid than I already do.
I check the clock and see that there's another two hours before we close, so, I head back up to the front of the diner to wait.

After about thirty minutes of waiting, a trucker comes in asking for the owner. I  tell him to wait there as I run and get Henry. After I get Henry, he does the whole signing process, and he then helps me being the boxes in.

He gets the boxes into the front area with me, before he says he has to get back to work. I get to work on getting the boxes put into their respective rooms. About halfway through, I see William waiting near the boxes. There were only a few small ones for the backstage area left, I could handle them myself.

"You need some help there Y/N?"
I sigh, only loud enough for me to hear.
"Nah, I think I got it. Not to much left" I say, picking up another box. "Well, too bad. Your going to slow for my taste"
I continue carrying the box backstage, not caring enough reply. I hear a small huff from William before hearing him mumble something under his breath, that I, sadly, couldn't hear.

I clock out after getting all of the boxes into the back room. Once I get home after a short, quiet, car ride, I put my stuff away, as usual, feed Moss, as usual, and do what I do every night before going to bed, being only awake enough to grab a couple slices of pizza, that were fucked up on earlier in the day, as a dinner.

Once I hit the pillow on my bed, I try and fall asleep, not being able to. After a night of tossing and turning, with a horrible feeling in my stomach, I finally fall asleep, only to get about an hour of rest before I hear the annoying sound of my alarm clock going off.

I get out of bed, still tired as hell, barely being able to get dressed for work, skipping out on breakfast, feeding the chunky boy, Moss, getting in my car, and driving to work. Once I get there, I see bunches of birthday decorations being set up while I clock in.

A/N: I finished this chapter at like 1 in there morning, 2 days after I started it. I have a massive head ach. Someone plz give me tips on what I should do with the story line, I started this, not thinking I'd actually publish anything but decided to just go with it. I'll probably start posting chapters and if I get told they suck, I'll redo them. I do kind of feel like this chapter drug on a bit, I'll try and make the next chapter better. (╥﹏╥)

1095 words

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