She then approachad Sanzu and put her hand under his nose to check if he was still breathing.

Konomi: he's still alive thank goodness, I'll dress his wounds and call the ambulance.

    She then set her bag down and took out her mini first aid kit, but before she could do anything she felt a gun to her head.

Sanzu: so you think you can kill me that easily you bastard, (opens eyes) huh who the hell are you.

Konomi: put the gun down and we'll talk.

Sanzu: *this is the girl from the club the other day right?* (puts the gun down) alright who are you and what are you doing here.

Konomi: (sighs) I was passing by saw you bleeding and came to help.

Sanzu: huh that doesn't add up (laughs hysterically).

Konomi: why are you laughing?

Sanzu: well no normal human being would intentionally get herself into such a situation.

Konomi: you know what you're right (starts packing up her things) I shouldn't get involved or help you (stands up and starts walking away).

Sanzu: where are you going?

Konomi: I'm leaving as to not get involved.

Sanzu: wait I believe you come back I need help.

Konomi: (turns around) you think I didn't know that when I came?

Sanzu: just help me.

Konomi: hmmm.

Sanzu: please.

Konomi: (sighs) fine (comes back).

Sanzu: you're a pain in the ass.

Konomi: (opens his shirt) well that makes two of us.

Sanzu: and weird.

Konomi: the guy with cotton candy hair is saying this.... Honestly I'm surprised you aren't crying out in pain or anything.

Sanzu: oh well I'm on drugs.

Konomi: how honest you are, well I'll have to take out the bullet so stay still (gets her twizzers and starts searching for the bullet).

Sanzu: how are you doing this aren't you disgusted? there's alot of blood.

Konomi: I trained to become a nurse so I'm fine (takes out the bullet) found it.

Sanzu: yay.

Konomi: I'm going to clean the place with antiseptic so tell me if it hurts (cleans the wound).

Sanzu: it didn't hurt at all.

Konomi: well wooptidoo good for you, all that's left is to bandage it.

Sanzu: hurry up I think the drugs are starting to wear off.

Konomi: (smiles devilishly) oh really that's awful (tightens the bandage).

Sanzu: hey stop what are you doing, it hurts!

Konomi: oh really (tightens it more) I thought you didn't feel any pain?

Sanzu: (groans in pain) please stop I'll die if you don't.

Konomi: (releases the bandages and tie them normally) there I think I've let out most of my frustration.

Sanzu: are you usually this wicked or is this seasonal?

Konomi: are you usually this annoying or is it on a daily basis?

Sanzu: touche.

Konomi: alright I'll call the ambulance.

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